
Russian Civilizational Identity as the Basis of Value Integrity and State Policy
Mchedlova M.M.
A Multipolar World: A Modern Political Agenda
Denilkhanov A.H.
Russian Regions in Political Research and Identity Studies: Introducing the Issue
Mchedlova M.M., Sokolov A.V.
“Moscovites” - “Non-Moscovites”: from the dichotomy of opposition to the search for identity
Pochta Y.M.
Geopolics in Development of Civilizational Theory: in Search for Peace
Kitinov B.U.
Multiculturalism and Political Discourse of Globalization
Martynenko S.V.
The Concept of Civilizations in Social Sciences
Kitinov B.U.
Religion in the Social and Political Life of Modern Russia: a Review of the Monography “Religion in Modern Russia: Contexts and Discussions”
Amelin V.N., Hovhannisyan A.L.
Muslim Society between Fundamentalism and Liberalism: the Problem of Civil Society
Pochta Y.M.
The Muslim World: the Role of the Institution of Civil Society in the Process of Forced Democratization
Pochta Y.M.
Theoretical and Political Aspects of Studying the Interaction of Civilizations
Kitinov B.U.
The Problem of Formation of Civil Society in Russia
Pochta Y.M., Oberemko T.V.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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