No 2 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Sino-Russian Relations in the Context of Comparative Cultural Studies
Culture has a great impact on Sino-Russian relations. There are many important similarities and differences between Chinese and Russian cultures. The cultures of the two countries both appreciate collectivity disregarding individuality. Compared with Russian culture Chinese culture is more secular, reasonable and peaceful. Therefore China is devoted to domestic affairs rather than to foreign expansion, and its foreign policy has defensive nature rather than aggressive. China is more conservative and less bellicose, thus during the reforms China has been seeking stability and was moving more prudently and cautiously. All of those cultural factors in the aggregate will influence the future development of Sino-Russian relations. Although the Sino-Russian relations have been developing smoothly during last decades, there exist some uncertainty and unpredictability in its long-term development.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):5-28

Ethnos, Nation and Politics
In his article the author reveals the essence of the concepts of ethnos, nation, ethnicity and nationality. He analyses the content of Russia's national policy the sense of which, according to the author, is ensuring its multifaceted forms, including those based on the basis of the contemporary model of federation that paves the way for achieving the right of self-determination.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):29-36

Significance of the Russian Federation's Initiatives on the Formation of the New European System's Architecture
The article is dedicated to analysis of the Russian Federation's attitude toward the main trends in current European security system's development. The main goal of the article is to demonstrate the significance of the Russian Federation's initiatives on the formation of equal and undivided collective security system which would correspond with the new global transformations.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):37-52

Political Process in Nigeria After Thirty Years of Military Regimes
The article is devoted to the analysis of transition of Nigeria to civil government after thirty years of military regimes. The article covers the problems of political process in the country and socio-economic reforms of the president O. Obasanjo.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):53-69

The Vichy Syndrome: the Political Problems of the Collaborationist Past Rethinking
The given article is devoted to processes and results of rethinking by the French society of the collaboration regime that dominated in France during the Second World War. The heritage of the given period has had strong influence on post-war development of France and also on its position in post-war world. The author examines a course and specificity of overcoming the past in a context of historical events.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):70-79

The Specificity of Political Tradition of Latin America During XIX and XX Centuries. Violence as the Key Problem of Latin American Political Life
In this article the problems of Latin American political life, the common and the specific in its tradition are investigated. Special attention is paid to the problem of violence, which is presented in the life of all Latin American societies, in all Latin American states.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):80-90

Strategic Culture: the Concept and the Directions of Research
The definition and estimation of political qualification of the ruling groups and long-term prognosis of their activities is a paramount task of strategical analysis. The ruling groups have their own interests and strategical manipulations with them (both successful and poor) constitute the important part of their game behavior, which effectiveness in defined periods is more or less computational. The game behavior of the ruling groups by-turn depends on the characteristics of strategic culture. This link is evident under their comparative analysis.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):91-102

The Comparative Ratings and Indices as the Instruments of Measurement of Political Stability
In the given article the main comparative ratings and indices of measurement of political stability in different countries are analyzed. The author proves that despite the broad acknowledgement and heuristic value of these ratings they often lack objectivity when depict situation in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):103-114

Multiculturalism and Political Discourse of Globalization
This article examines the current problems of modernity associated with the implementation of the policies of multiculturalism, criticizes various points of view of that phenomenon in political life. The author shows that the problem of multiculturalism is inseparably linked with the interpretation of the idea of a global culture, which is not a superstructure of national cultures, but is a kind of a new sort of social rhizome.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):115-119

Gender Aspects of Political Communication in Blogs
The article is devoted to the study of gender asymmetry in the content of political blog posts and communication strategies in political blogosphere. The author comes to the conclusion that political communication in cyberspace is increasingly gaining in influence and importance which may be accompanied by the enhancement of women's participation in politics as well as communication strategies diversification in political communication.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):120-135

The Transformation of Modern Social-Political Life in the Scopes of Rising Communication Environment
The article is dedicated to several key aspects of political communication in the light of the common processes of integration, informatization and globalization. The main political challenges of the rising communication environment are considered in this article. Some features of the so-called Internetization of the society and the influence of the new media in different countries are in the limelight of discussions as well. Within various theoretical and conceptual frameworks the issues of the decline of the state, emergence of new political actors and necessity of realization of multi-polar communication policy are studied.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):136-148

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(2):149-150