The Problem of Complexity in the Modern Migration: «Power in Networks» or «Power of Networks»


This article aims at the modern immigration problems through the concept of complexity. The paper includes the case study of social network analysis of illegal migration in Greece made and visualized in UCINET program v. 6.205 (Net-draw v. 2.097). The specific character of modern immigration reflects the number of problems and features of the modern world as well as political processes. Due to this the article touches upon crucial questions such as what is a place and role of a state in conditions of Instability and nonlinearity on supranational and domestic levels; are the mechanisms of political system able to maintain homeostatic balance and what is the role of the rapid and widespread network types of relations and structures; and others.

About the authors

V A Osipov

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/2, Moscow, Russia, 117198


Copyright (c) 2016 Осипов В.А.

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