No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Composition of the novel inverse «Eugene Onegin» and the role Tatyana's and Onegin's dreams play in it
The article focuses on the composition of the novel in verse «Eugene Onegin» and the role Tatyana's and Onegin's dreams play in it. While Tatyana's dream is meant to foretell the future, Onegin's dream, which receives in the article special attention, is retrospective.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(1):3-7

Community «Pereval» declaration 1927 in the literary and historical context
The author investigates the role of the Community «Pereval» declaration's in the literary process of 1920-30's, its place in general literary and historical context and its connection with the political struggle in the USSR during NEP and final destruction of free literature in general, during foundation of common creative method proclaimed to be compulsory for all.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(1):8-15

. Early works by Vladimir Sorokin in the context of his mature creative pursuits
This article deals with reconstruction of Vladimir Sorokin's creative development before he started worki ng on the novel The Norm. By analyzing known information and interpreting short stories Pink Tuber and Encirclement it is shown that the foundation of Sorokin's grotesque and absurd poetics was laid in his early literary essays.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(1):42-50

The world as an illusion in the works of Victor Pelevin
The concept of the world in the creativity of the modern Russian writer Victor Pelevin is analysed in the given article. The idea of the author develops in a context of interaction of philosophical sights of the writer with the postmodernist idea about virtual worlds.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(1):51-55

The novel by Taufig al-Hakim «The Returning of Spirit» as estimated by Egyptian criticism of the second half of the XX-th century
Clause is devoted to studing of sights of modern criticism on the novel of the known Egyptian writer T. al-Hakim «Returning of Spirit» in aspect of its context, i.e. communications of product with external factors, as literary, text and non-fiction, non-textual. The cotextual appoach to consideration od the phenomena of the literature, received the wide circulation in world literary criticism, became preailing and in the Egyptian criticism of second half the XX centuries.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(1):64-71

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RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(1):91-91