. Early works by Vladimir Sorokin in the context of his mature creative pursuits
- Authors: Marusenkov MP1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: No 1 (2008)
- Pages: 42-50
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/article/view/4558
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This article deals with reconstruction of Vladimir Sorokin's creative development before he started worki ng on the novel The Norm. By analyzing known information and interpreting short stories Pink Tuber and Encirclement it is shown that the foundation of Sorokin's grotesque and absurd poetics was laid in his early literary essays.
About the authors
M P Marusenkov
Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityКафедра истории русской литературы XX в; Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова; Lomonosov Moscow State University