No 1 (2012)


The cycle of Little poems by S. Esenin in the context of political, historical, philosophical and religious projects of the XXth century

Susloparova G.D.


The article is devoted to the cycle of little poems by S. Esenin which were written in the 1917-1918. The Author analyzes Esenin's poems in the large context of different utopian projects of the beginning of the XX century and philosophical works of such authors as R. Steiner and T. Karlyle.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):5-14
pages 5-14 views

The metaphor secret garden in Klychkov's early lyric poetry

Demidenko E.A.


The article is concentrated on the specificity of the early Klychkov's poetry's artistic space. It's analyzed the peculiarity of persona in the folkloric traditions' context. Also the article is concerned on Russian classical lyric motives and on some works of literature by Blok, Esenin, Kluev.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):15-21
pages 15-21 views

Intrahistoria of drama of Unamuno

Guseva T.K.


The author of the paper regards the concept of the internal history of Spanish writer and philosopher of the end of XIX - the first third of XX ss. in a perspective of the theory of dramatic literature, studying directly the Spanish theorist's papers, in many cases not translated into the Russian. Viewing the issue from this perspective she stresses the necessity of making comparisons with the special features of Spanish literature.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):22-29
pages 22-29 views

On the principles of the organizaion of text in udarniks' sketches of the late 1920 - early 1930

Zavjalova O.S.


The author analyzes the composition of the text of the udarnik's sketch to demonstrate the realization of the principle of cinematographicness (one of the basic principles of poetics of the late 1920 - early 1930) in the literary text. An explanation of dominance of this principle in the art of those years is suggested.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):30-42
pages 30-42 views

Ivan the Terrible or Kazan's Conquest by G.R. Derzhvin and heroic opera genre's formation in Russian culture of the beginning of the nineteenth century

Larkovich D.V.


Analysis of opera libretto «Ivan the Terrible or Kazan's Conquest» by G.R. Derzhavin as one of the earliest pattern of the Russian heroic opera in connection with urgent historical actuals of the beginning of the 19th century is presented in the article.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Rebranding of TV Channel Domashny

Nelikaeva O.Y.


In this article we are discussing rebranding of Russian TV Channel Domashny: alternatives of logotypes and programs content of TV Channel. Successful rebranding let the channel move to a new level of development, attract attention of new clients and increase loyalty of current clients. In this article we can see how rebranding influenced on the channel.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):50-54
pages 50-54 views

First specialized Russian patriotic channel Zvezda: history, programs, effective impact on the audience

Shirobokov A.N., Martynenko M.V.


The article discusses the creation and development of first in Russia specialized patriotic channel Zvezda. Authors make an analyze programs in terms of their effectiveness in the promotion and inculcation of patriotism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):55-66
pages 55-66 views

The features of the publicist style of Li Ao, a leading Taiwan journalist

Tе O.E.


The article describes some aspects of the life and works of the most prominent modern Taiwan journalist, publicist, writer, repeated candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature and political figure Li Ao (born 1935).
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):67-77
pages 67-77 views

Reflection politics of Hamid Karzai in the press and other media of Afghanistan

Ezatullah Husaini -.


Since the release of the first newspaper in 1873, a nearly 140 year period in the press in Afghanistan has changed dramatically. Never before have the freedom of the press and the media had not reached such a scale as the fall of the Taliban regime, during the presidency of Hamid Karzai. For Afghan media have a special significance. This article analyzes the coverage in the press and other media policy Karzai, identifies factors affecting the media and the media. Also considered such phenomena as the formation of a portrait of Hamid Karzai in the media, the impact of the international community and the media coverage of the role of foreign organizations in Afghanistan.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):78-84
pages 78-84 views

To a question of formation lingvorhitiric's skills for journalists

Kirilenko N.P.


In article is devoted to the questions connected with training of journalists to bases of lingvorhitoric.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):85-89
pages 85-89 views

Features of formation public telecastings of Mongolia

Ganbaatar Mendkhuu -.


In given article features of development of public television of Mongolia are considered. The idea of creation of public radio and television in Mongolia has arisen in the early nineties. But public radio and television in Mongolia has been created rather not for a long time. Process of formation of public radio and television has caused the big resonance in a society.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):90-97
pages 90-97 views

The english language in Indian media scene as an element of language policies

Matvienko V.V.


The article discusses the linguistic diversity of India; shows some steps of the Indian government in the country's language policy; examines the use of the English language, including its Indian version, in mass media as a solution of interethnic dialogue problems.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):98-104
pages 98-104 views

The language of contemporary russian journalism in teaching russian as a foreign language

Deryagina S.I.


This article discusses one of the new textbooks for foreign students Russian for journalists, examines the principles of its construction.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):105-109
pages 105-109 views

The socio-economic and political preconditions of origin and development intra-corporate and social mechanisms of self-regulatory journalistic community

Sbrueva D.V.


The preconditions of origin and the main stages development mechanisms of self-regulatory mass media are discussed in the article.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):110-119
pages 110-119 views

Laurent Greilsamer. L'homme du Monde. La vie d'Hubert Beuve-Méry

Vachidova R.A.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):120-127
pages 120-127 views

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RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2012;(1):128-129
pages 128-129 views