Issue Title File
Vol 28, No 3 (2023): Chekhov’s Time and Chekhov in Time Biblical foundations of the Russian national model. Book review: Kovalenko, A.G., Porol, O.A., & Porol, P.V. (2022). The artistic space of Russian poetry in the first third of the 20th century (biblical discourse): Monograph. Moscow: Yurist Publ. (In Russ.) PDF


Gavrikov V.A.
Vol 28, No 3 (2023): Chekhov’s Time and Chekhov in Time The world of spirit in the world of matter. Book review: Nikolaichuk, I.A., Yanglyaeva, M.M., & Yakova, T.S. (2023). Digital social science. Media, meta-meanings, science. Moscow: IKAR Publ. (In Russ.) PDF


Annenkova I.V.
Vol 28, No 4 (2023): Media and Crisis – Reversible Paradigms “The theory of probability”, or How to reconstruct a true biography: book review: Sokolov, B.V. (2023). “It was white - it became red”. Soviet writers in the ranks of the White Guards. Moscow: Veche Publ. (In Russ.) PDF


Kovalenko A.G., Hu J.
Vol 28, No 1 (2023) Boris Akunin, literary critic and teacher. Book review: Akunin, B. (2022). A Russian in England: A self-instruction guide to fiction. Moscow: Alpina Publishers. (In Russ.) PDF




Kovalenko A.G., Denisenko A.V.
Vol 27, No 4 (2022) Bible code in Bashlachev's lyrics. Book review: Gavrikov, V.A. (2021). Eschatology of Bashlachev: Monograph. Moscow, Kaluga, Venice: Bull Terrier Records. (In Russ.) PDF


Temirshina O.R.
Vol 27, No 4 (2022) Media text: is there a need for a change of research and linguodidactic paradigms. Book review: Panasenko, N., & Greguš, Ľ. (2022). Media text in the mirror of linguistics. Prague: Wolters Kluwer ČR a.s. PDF


Kulikova E.G.
Vol 27, No 4 (2022) Aerobatics in advertising: paradigms and paradoxes. Book review: Intartaglia, J. (2019). La pub qui cartonne! Les dessous des techniques publicitaires qui font vendre. De Boeck Superieur PDF


Shilina M.G.
Vol 27, No 3 (2022) New approach to the teaching of Russian for journalists. Book review: Glazkov, A.V. (2022). Semantics: From word to text: Handbook and practicum for high schools. Moscow: Yurait Publ. (In Russ.) PDF


Pechenkina O.Y.
Vol 27, No 3 (2022) The scientist-innovator, creator and producer. Book review: Itkis, G.E., Krivosheeva, A.M., & Karagesyan, A.K. (Eds.). (2022). M.I. Krivosheev. Strings of fate. Memoirs of the patriarch of television. Moscow: VegaPrint. (In Russ.) PDF


Urazova S.L.
Vol 27, No 2 (2022): THE RECEPTION OF SILVER AGE RUSSIAN LITERATURE ABROAD Book Review: Golubkov, M.M. (2021). What’s the Sense of the Russian Literature? From the Notes of the University Philologist. Moscow: Prometheus. 344 p. (In Russ.) PDF


Sokolov B.V.
Vol 27, No 1 (2022) New Book about Bulgakov. Book Review: Urupin, I.S. (2020). M.A. Bulgakov’s Works in the National-Cultural Context of the Epoch. Moscow: Flinta. 572 p. (In Russ.) PDF


Sokolov B.V.
Vol 27, No 1 (2022) Ecology of Media Space as a Strategy of Modern Life. Book Review: Urazova, S.L. (Ed.). (2021). Ecosystem of Media: Digital Modifications. Chelyabinsk: SUSU Publ. 252 р. (In Russ.) PDF


Shesterina A.M.
Vol 27, No 1 (2022) The Scope of Meanings and the Unity of the World. On the Academic Work of Vera Vakhtangovna Shervashidze PDF


Litvinenko N.A., Pakhsaryan N.T., Shevyakova E.N.
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