RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism

Editor-in-Chief: Aleksandr G. Kovalenko, PhD (Philology), Professor

ISSN: 2312-9220 (Print) ISSN: 2312-9247 (Online)

Founded in 1996. Publication frequency: quarterly

Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge

Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English

PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)

 Journal History

Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, Scopus, DOAJ, Академия Google (Google Scholar), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Cyberleninka, WorldCat, East View, Dimensions, British Library, Bodleian Libraries (University of Oxford), Ghent University Library, Academic Resource Index, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs


"RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism" has been published since 1996. Periodicity – once a quarter.

The journal is a peer-reviewed academic publication in the field of literary studies and journalism. 

The objectives of the journal are the implementation of academic exchange and cooperation between Russian and foreign literary critics and journalists, as well as specialists in related fields; publication of the results of original research on a wide range of interdisciplinary problems concerning literary studies and journalism, coverage of academic activities. The priority areas of the journal are the history of World literature and Russian literatures, theory of literature, history and theory of journalism, mass communication and media, advertising, public relations in Russia and abroad.

The journal aims to discuss theoretical and practical issues related to the literary process, prose, poetry, drama, literary criticism, genres of journalism, press, radio and television, advertising, public relations. Main thematic sections of the journal are: Literature of countries and peoples of the world, History of Russian literature, Modern literary process, Comparative Studies. Russian literature abroad, History and theory of journalism, New media, Practical journalism, Axiology of journalism, Journalistic education.

The journal pays great attention to the publication of thematic issues.

The journal publishes scientific and review articles and reports of famous Russian and foreign scientists and young researchers, doctoral students and postgraduate students. Book reviews, a chronicle of scientific life (reviews of scientific events, information about conferences, scientific projects, etc.) are also published. 

The editorial board consists of scholars from Russia, the United States, Qatar, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Sweden, India, and Slovakia.

The journal is published in accordance with the policies of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). 


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Fantasy literature: status and prospects of study
Naumchik O.S.


RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):649-654
pages 649-654 views 183


Game principles of the art space's organization in D.W. Jones's novel Hexwood
Naumchik O.S.

The game principles of the art space's organization in D.W. Jones's novel Hexwood are considered. The aim of the study is to identify Hexwood`s game aspects in the context of fantasy's genre features in the XXth century`s second half. Objectives of the study are to formulate the game principles of the fantasy genre and to trace their realization in the novel. The general thesis is that the game's phenomenon has been actualized in literature and art at the compositional and thematic levels, which corresponds to the game culture's tradition. In fantasy, game features are particularly revealed, which allows us to distinguish three aspects of their consideration: game principles of secondary world creating, problem-themed field, intertextual play with pretexts. All of this points to great gaming potential of the fantasy. It is concluded that the space and the time in D.W. Jones's novel Hexwood become more complex and non-linear. It's also revealed several levels of associations and allusions to the Arthurian cycle. All personages are involved in the cyborg Bannus's game, based on the Arthurian tales, but in addition to their recognizable roles (Arthur, Merlin, Amfortas, etc.), almost all of the characters play other roles, not realized by them.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):655-663
pages 655-663 views 155
Magic as a tool to build rapport with new environment: Herr Röslein trilogy by Silke Lambeck
Krasovickaya Y.V.

Investigates how a literary character adapts to a new context in the debut trilogy of the German writer Silke Lambeck ( Herr Röslein , 2007; Herr Röslein kommt zurück , 2008; Wo bleibt Herr Röslein? 2010). The aim is to look into the ways the child-character establishes rapport with the new environment backed by a wizard and his magical power and to define the distinctive features of the wizard and his young pupil. The analysis acknowledges that magic plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts and helps characters navigate and adapt to new foreign spaces and societies. Real life in the novels is not displaced by a fantasy world; the magician character just empowers others to become more confident in their own strength. A special focus is made on the process of Mr. Leopold Rosette’s magic powers transformation. In the third book the wizard’s responsibility to settle conflicts is passed on the child character Moritz. This makes magical powers modification: from now on magic is found in kind and courageous acts of the rescuer or wise decisions of the psychologyst. Magic itself as seen by the child appears as an amazing and at the same time frightening thing. Yet, magic does not serve as the main reference point in the surrounding world but rather performs a supporting function.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):664-672
pages 664-672 views 163
Meaningful miracles: Unraveling eucatastrophe in the select fantasy fiction of J.K. Rowling
Metla S., Sudha Devi Y.V.

The Harry Potter series is the story of Harry, an orphan-hero, who is on the quest of self-discovery; it unfolds through a series of adventures he goes on with his friends at Hogwarts. The series falls into a fuzzy set - a blend of genres - Bildungsroman, fantasy tale, mystery thriller, crossover tale, children’s literature, gothic tale, and quest romance. Harry’s journey of growing up is narrated with thrilling rigour and crafted with care by J.K. Rowling; the novels are imbued with warmth, inclusivity and fun. This led to her fame, recognition and success. These novels culminate in good triumphing over evil which is a trademark of high fantasy. This phenomenon is called “poetic justice” - a term coined by Thomas Rhymer. The paper attempts to locate and analyse the Eucatastrophe which is defined by JRR Tolkien as “the sudden joyous “turn” …a sudden and miraculous grace: never to be counted on to recur”. Several instances of Eucatastrophes from the seven novels are chosen and decoded to be studied in line with how they facilitate making certain events believable or how the story evolves; they add hope, tension and often edge to the narrative. Textual and thematic analyses are used in the study to articulate the observations and underpinnings.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):673-684
pages 673-684 views 281
Rhythmic prose in The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Afanasev V.A.

Concerns rhythmic prose in The Lord of the Rings novel by J.R.R. Tolkien which, though extensively represented the novel, is seldom considered in most research papers. The novel contains over 70 poetic texts and should be viewed as a complex prosimetrum, as multifarious interconnections between prose and verse is an integral part of The Lord of the Rings poetics. The marginal manifestations of this mixed style, such as rhythmic prose, are of special concern. The recognition and further analysis of most non-occasional fragment of prose metre in the novel may be fully accomplished only with due regard to other Tolkien’s works (especially from the Legendarium) and the peculiarities of his style (both in poetry and in prose) in general. Considering three selected fragments of rhythmic prose, we aim to specify their connections with some songs and poems either from The Lord of the Rings itself, or outside the novel; the context and rhythmic pattern of another fragment develop possible allusions even to hypothetically existing texts within Tolkien’s literary world and poetic traditions of the people of Middle-earth. The variety of the representation of rhythmic prose in The Lord of the Rings is far from being limited to the mentioned categories, and further research is required.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):685-692
pages 685-692 views 168
Post-humanist food pedagogy in Margaret Atwood’s speculative fiction: The MaddAddam Trilogy
Anupama T.P., Anderleen D.L.

The multifaceted relationship between pedagogy, food and the human condition within Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy, delving into themes of consumption, identity, and ethics from a post-humanist perspective provides rationale to this research paper. Drawing upon the concept of “post food,” which emerges from the industrial food chain’s influence on consumption patterns, the study examines how technological advancements and industrialization that reshape human interactions with food are transacted in learning. In MaddAddam , Atwood presents a post-apocalyptic narrative that highlights the intricate interplay between food, technology, and humanity’s future. The novel portrays food production and consumption as ethical choices imbued with individual agency and linked to sustainability, challenging conventional environmentalist paradigms. Furthermore, examines the significance of edibility as a means of negotiating identity, belonging, and cohabitation within the post-apocalyptic community depicted in MaddAddam . It explores how food acts as a humanizing factor amidst the post-human landscape, where remnants of the past evoke nostalgia for “real” food. Through a synthesis of these analyses, this research paper offers a comprehensive exploration of food’s role in shaping the post-human condition in Atwood’s trilogy, shedding light on the implications of technological advancement, environmental degradation, and societal transformation on human interactions with food and the broader ecosystem, framed within the context of critical food pedagogy.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):693-702
pages 693-702 views 199
The theme of the North in modern Russian folk-horror
Safron E.A.

Examines the specifics of the implementation of the North theme in the subgenre of modern domestic folk horror using the example of novels and stories by D. Bobyleva, O. Kozhin, L. Lvova, A. Podolsky, M. Romanova. The geography of the North in folk horror includes Karelia, the Arkhangelsk region, Siberia and Yakutia. The work was carried out using motive, cultural-historical, historical-genetic methods. It turns out that this subgenre is built on the basis of the chronotope of locations remote from large cities (towns, villages, settlements), which are associated with the chthonic world and threaten people (the motif of a cursed place). An obligatory element of the poetics of folk horror is the depiction of heroes who are carriers of a pagan worldview: shamans, priests, sorcerers, and the plot is initiatory: an individual, encountering supernatural beings (whose genesis is folkloremythological in nature), joins the archaic culture and becomes its full-fledged part. The author comes to the conclusion that not only supernatural creatures are dangerous to humans, but also nature itself: heroes risk drowning in a swamp, freezing during a snowstorm, etc. Fulfilling the requirements of the genre, writers frighten the reader and make him feel disgust, but at the same time they convey the special attractiveness of the North, reproducing the customs and rituals of autochthonous peoples.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):703-710
pages 703-710 views 152
Stylization of history in the works of N.V. Kukolnik
Kubasov A.V.

Examines the concept of “Stylization of History” and its application through the forgotten works of mid-19th-century author Nestor Vasilyevich Kukolnik. This concept is characterized by a free interpretation of the past in a figurative manner, while still maintaining reliance on well-known facts, events, or qualities of historical figures, expressed within a specific stylistic framework. If the notion of truth is pertinent to history, then relative verisimilitude is significant for Stylization of History. Kukolnik’s inclination towards stylization is attributed to his life circumstances and his aesthetic sensibilities as a writer, establishing that the portrayal of the past in his artistic endeavors was connected and influenced by the work of his friends - artist K.P. Bryullov and composer M.I. Glinka. The stylization is closely linked to the phenomena of archaization and the writer’s inclination towards literary examples from the past. It is observed that as early as the 1830s, a realistic trend started to emerge in Russian literature, but for the staunch conservative Kukolnik, the works of Western European romantics continued to serve as his models. The classic writers’ viewpoint on Kukolnik’s work is outlined, with most of them offering critical assessments. Through the analysis of the short story Sergeant Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, or All as One , the embodiment of historical stylization in a work of art is revealed. The potential for renewed interest in Kukolnik’s work is also discussed, suggesting that his works could be reimagined in the language of modern genre forms.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):711-725
pages 711-725 views 128
Mockery as a special type of laugher in the prose of Leonid Andreev
Mytareva A.V.

Examines the nature of mocking laughter in the oeuvre of Leonid Andreev, defines the specifics of ridicule situations, names the participants and the possible development and resolution of the storyline. The first part of the article defines a special type of laughter - ridicule, and also examines the antithesis proposed by L.V. Karasev, “laughter - shame”. Through which the object of ridicule is characterized. The subject of research in the second part of the article is the functioning of laughter in the novels of Leonid Andreev. Using the examples of the stories Buyanikha and Laughter , it is shown that the situation of ridicule can underlie the plot and determine its development. The fear of being ridiculed is one of the significant psychological motivations that determine the behavior of L. Andreev’s heroes. In addition, the heroes endow the unknown force that influences their lives with the ability to laugh. Marking Doom, as represented by the characters, makes it more understandable, visible, and therefore surmountable. Finally, the final part examines how the picture of the “anti-world” is created, the main feature of which is ridicule. Unlike V.Ya. Propp, who argued that the object of ridicule can be everything except the area of suffering, Leonid Andreev constructs a model of the anti-world, where it is the area of suffering that is ridiculed. The ironic state of the world in relation to the hero ( Suitcases ) is perceived as unstable, and therefore unsafe. The idea of variability, the deceptiveness of the world is reflected in the depiction of necrospace in the story Peace . At the end, a conclusion is made about the connection between the themes of death and laughter in the artistic world of L. Andreev, as a distinctive feature of the writer’s work.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):726-737
pages 726-737 views 164
Ecphrasies of the Petersburg Buddhist temple in the poetry of Elena Schwartz
Dubakov L.V.

The purpose to analyze the features and functions of temple ecphrasies in the poetry of E.A. Schwartz. The poems The Seven Faces of the Buddhist Temple and The Buddhist Temple are used as material, which are based on the image of the Petersburg Buddhist religious building Datsan Gunzechoinei. This topic has not previously been in the center of attention of Russian literary criticism, which determines the novelty of the presented article. Separately, it should be noted that the analysis of temple ecphrasies in the poetry of E.A. Schwartz is carried out as part of a large-scale study devoted to the study of the Buddhist text of modern Russian literature. As a result of the analysis, the author of the article comes to the following conclusions. The ecphrasies of the Petersburg Buddhist Temple in the poetry of E.A. Schwartz are based on the description of the exterior and interior of the datsan and transformed into philosophical and religious works. The poetic ecumenism of Schwartz’s work determines the image of a Buddhist temple in the form of a sacred space - in a city experiencing infernal apocalyptic desolation, flooding, and overshadowing by everyday care. The Buddhist temple, which is unusual for the Northern capital and, however, is similar to it - externally and essentially, acts as one of the centers of attraction for different cultures, gods and living and dead creatures living in a cramped and diverse city. The Petersburg/ Leningrad Buddhist temple, like the religious buildings of other religions, gives a person the opportunity to come into contact with the transcendent, the image of which is embodied in Schwartz in the heavenly heights or in the bottomless depths of the river.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):738-746
pages 738-746 views 141
Artistic time in D. Keyes’ novel Flowers for Algernon
Samoylova A.V., Spachil O.V.

The problems presented in Flowers for Algernon (1966) the novel by American writer Daniel Keyes (1925-2014), fall within the realm of existential questions of the 20th century: the meaning and purpose of human life, family and interpersonal relationships, the place of a deviant personality in society, the ethics of experimental science and medicine, empathy and compassion, and the role of science and knowledge, among others. The novel has been included in lists of the greatest books of our time, has become a modern classic, and the story of the same name from 1959 is mandatory reading for schoolchildren in the USA and Japan. This represents the first study of the category of artistic time in the novel. This consideration is relevant not only due to its significance as one of the main structural elements of the text, but also from the perspective of its importance in constructing an event sequence through the lens of the author’s unique vision and the formation of the intratextual psychomental paradigm of the protagonist. The relevance of the work is further substantiated by the interdisciplinary nature of the study, which combines linguistic and literary criticism approaches, aimed at understanding the functional capabilities of the category of time as a universal tool. This tool plays a key role in works of complex genre, including Keyes’s novel. The study identifies the main guidelines for developing the novel’s temporal structure design: “zero chronotope”, dichotomy “past vs present”, introduction of reminiscences as temporal catalysts of psycho-emotional outbursts and self-reflection. Time serves as the central construct within the text of the novel, intricately weaving together all plot lines and embodying a conceptual framework.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):747-756
pages 747-756 views 181


International conflicts in the mirror of constructive journalism: media geographical research
Yakova T.S.

Presents the results of the study of publications by influential global mass media about international conflicts from the standpoint of the concept of constructive journalism. Examines the dynamics of the transformation of media behavior of Internet audiences in different regions of the world in relation to the topics of international conflicts through the prism of media-geographical views on the processes of formation of media reality. The research methodology was based on the implementation of media metric analysis, rank analysis and content analysis in the context of constructive journalism. During the study, special attention was paid to the interpretation of meanings (substantially related to international conflicts) and spatial analysis of big data. The empirical basis of the study was Google Trends statistics and data obtained as a result of processing publications of influential global mass media devoted to international conflicts and crises, interest in which was shown by Internet audiences of countries of the world (the Arab-Israeli conflict, the conflict in Afghanistan, the US-Iran conflict, the Taiwan crisis). Content analysis of media texts confirmed the conclusion that the topic of international conflicts attracts the attention of Internet audiences and occupies a significant place on the agenda of influential global mass media, but only about 10% of materials published in 2023 meet the criteria for constructive journalism.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):757-771
pages 757-771 views 209
Analysis of the features of representation of candidates in the 2024 US presidential elections in the application of generative artificial intelligence
Kaminchenko D.I., Petukhov A.Y.

Modern artificial intelligence applications are increasingly covering various areas of society. They are beginning to have a noticeable impact on politics in general and political communication in particular. Of considerable interest is the analysis of the role of AI applications in the electoral process. The purpose is to identify the content and semantic features of the presentation of texts generated by one of the most popular online services (neural networks) ChatGPT for key text queries related to the two main candidates in the 2024 US presidential election - Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The main empirical methods of the study were quantitative content analysis of an undirected type and frame analysis. The information array consisted of the results obtained from 41 text queries. The total volume of generated texts was 3503 words. As the result, it was found that the texts of the largest volume are generated by the artificial intelligence application based on queries related to the possible role of the two specified politicians in solving certain current problems of American society, and not to their personal and professional traits. In the course of the research, at least two popular frames found in the generated texts were identified - “efficient politician” and “ineffective politician”. Both the overall frequency of occurrence of the designated frames in texts dedicated to the two political leaders and the number of key expressions-markers responsible for the manifestation of both frames were determined. This made it possible to establish in relation to which topics a particular frame is more common. The general conclusion was made that in the texts generated by ChatGPT in the texts about Kamala Harris, the frame “efficient politician” is more often presented than in similar texts dedicated to Donald Trump.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):772-787
pages 772-787 views 217
Neural networks for illustration generation: towards the issue of adaptation practices
Mukhina O.S., Oleshko V.F.

Technologies are rapidly transforming the field of journalism. The phenomenon of convergence has long become the norm, and the term text in the media includes not only the verbal component, but also photos, videos, audio, graphics - that is, it represents a creolized text. One of the challenges of our time has become artificial intelligence. Many of its potential capabilities (video or audio generation) are at the beginning of their development at the time of writing this article. However, illustration generation is no longer just worth paying attention to, but is becoming a significant competitor for photographers, designers, and artists. The aim is to demonstrate this process using the example of the most flexible part of the professional journalistic community - freelance journalists, as it is shown in the article that they are often the first to introduce innovations into their activities. Within the framework of the research, several surveys were conducted involving 281 respondents and a comparative analysis of the situation in full-time and freelance journalism was carried out. Although the number of journalists who have completely replaced photo banks with neural network illustration generation may seem insignificant (3 and 8%, respectively), the general dynamics of this process is shown, which, ultimately, is unlikely to lead to a complete replacement of creative professions by artificial intelligence, but, quite possibly, will only leave the best of its representatives.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):788-798
pages 788-798 views 185
The structuring of the metaverse through the info-noospheric optics
Yefanov A.A.

The structuring of the virtual universe is considered in the context of the formation of the global information space as the separation of a part of the noosphere. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is based on the noospheric theory of V.I. Vernadsky and the wave concept of civilization of E. Toffler. A set of methods is used: structural analysis; systematization; modeling; case study. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the metaverse is an info-noospheric formation, which, as a result of seamless simulation, acquires a spatial form, implements social practices in its disposition and, on this basis, builds the social structure of the modern neo-information society. The metaverse is becoming an increasingly expanding subform of social space (within its generic category), harmoniously integrating the socio-cultural and media levels, causing their significant syncretism. The metaverse is considered as the highest level of implementation of transmedia extensions, ensuring subordination to media processes both in online and offline modes. The metaverse has a complex structure, accumulating differentiated platforms that are united into ecosystems (digital), determining platform capitalism, as holders of which is the digital elite.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):799-809
pages 799-809 views 160
Social media driven mediatization of youth in BRICS
Cele Z.P., Shilina M.G., Tshikovhi N.

Over the years, social media has emerged as the largest source for global communication. In post-COVID-19 times and especially in the New Reality, social media consumption patterns have shifted significantly. As these platforms become more open and widespread, they also exacerbate issues related to information and news consumption, mediation and mediatization. This is particularly crucial for young populations in developing nations such as those in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) group, who face both high external pressures and internal challenges. Examines the state of social media usage among youth in BRICS countries, focusing on data from 2023 to find the specificity of social media driven mediatization. Research indicates that youth in BRICS nations have been active social media users over the past decade. The authors identify key consumption patterns among Generation Z and millennials in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in 2023, and conduct a comparative analysis of social media usage in these nations. Provides a brief overview of the mediatized challenges posed by social media in the BRICS nations, particularly the spread of fake news. The study reveals that the increasing reliance on social media for news and information by younger generations underscores the need for identifying specific field of media studies in BRICS countries (Media Studies based on the concept of BRICSology). The conclusion highlights the social media consumption patterns and challenges that need attention in future research.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):810-821
pages 810-821 views 226
Translation of King Abdullah’s speeches in the context of his media image
Ismail I.A., Bulgarova B.A., Ashour H.Y., Tabatabaei S., Rastorgueva N.E.

An in-depth analysis was carried out of rhetorical approaches to the translation of the speech of King Abdullah bin Hussein of Jordan in order to identify social and humanitarian values in his speeches. The relevance of the research lies in emphasizing the importance of preserving authenticity in translation, taking into account cultural and ideological aspects, as well as the role of critical analysis of the discursive approach in understanding and transmitting values. The analysis methodology chosen by the authors of the study is complex and includes Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), structural linguistic and rhetorical analysis, as well as comparative analysis of translations from Arabic into English. The methodology is applied in three stages: the selection of the corpus, analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of translations. The empirical basis of the study was five texts of speeches by King Abdullah II, reflecting the social and humanitarian values of the reigning monarch. The results of the analysis reflect the humanistic orientation of the original texts, preserving concepts such as justice, responsibility, hope, solidarity, despite the fact that sometimes there is a discrepancy from the exact correspondence to the original. The authors of the article emphasize that despite this, the translations convey the monarch’s basic ideas about the importance of a world without violence, solidarity, justice and responsibility. The researchers emphasize the need to take into account cultural and ideological factors in translation in order to convey a more accurate meaning and an appropriate image of King Abdullah bin Hussein of Jordan.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):822-834
pages 822-834 views 176


Teaching journalism in the age of panmediatisation: an interview with Professor Vladimir Tulupov
Proskurnova E.L., Tulupov V.V.


RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):835-839
pages 835-839 views 187


Readers’ acceptance of Ian McEwan novels in Mainland China: a systematic review
Nie W., Siaw L.C., Dayang S.b., Nur A.b.

With the accelerated development of globalisation and the deepening of cultural exchanges, cross-cultural translation and literary reception have become important topics in contemporary literary studies. This review aims to explore readers’ acceptance of Ian McEwan’s novels in mainland China. To this end, the databases of CNKI, EBSCO, Web of Science, Taylor and Francis, and Science Direct have been explored, and twenty-one studies published between 2000 and 2024 have been analysed. A systematic review was used as a research methodology, and the studies were analysed using a content analysis method. The findings revealed that there is rich research on Ian McEwan’s novels but very few significant studies on how ordinary readers accept translated Ian McEwan novels in mainland China. Moreover, other studies have concluded that Chinese readers widely and extensively accept Ian McEwan’s novels as they provoke emotional feelings, arouse ethical considerations, and compel readers to reflect critically. The findings have provided researchers in literature, translation, and intercultural studies with a comprehensive understanding of the current state of reception of Ian McEwan novels in China.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):840-857
pages 840-857 views 201
Postcolonial, post-imperial, polydomous, Russian-speaking. Book review: Shafranskaya, E.F., Garipova, G.T. & Keshfidinov, Sh.K. (2024). Transcultural literature of the XXI century. Moscow: Yurait Publ. (In Russ.)
Kovalenko A.G., Chaurova V.A.


RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2024;29(4):858-862
pages 858-862 views 175

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