Linguocultural Organization of the International Broadcasting in Russia Today
- Authors: Efendieva N.E.1
- Russia Today
- Issue: Vol 26, No 2 (2021)
- Pages: 247-255
- URL:
- DOI:
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In modern political and socio-cultural realities, a special role and importance are assigned to international broadcasting as a technology for positioning a content-producing country in the external environment, i. e. the global media space. The subject of this study is the explication of the specifics of the linguocultural organization of international broadcasting. The experience of Russia Today was taken as the flagship of international broadcasting in the Russian segment of the media space, through its activities influencing the formation of the geopolitical situation in the modern globalizing world. A complex of methods was used: historical and political analysis, structural analysis, contextual analysis, secondary analysis of sociological and statistical data. The empirical base was made up of four editions of the Sputnik Agency (Sputnik International, Sputnik Polska, Sputnik Türkiye, and Sputnik Belarus), representing various linguocultures - with differentiated ethnic and religious characteristics that have not only linguistic but also cultural manifestations in general. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the linguocultural organization of international broadcasting is considered as a means of implementing the diplomatic mission of the state-broadcaster with soft power tools in the globalizing world. It is based on the representation of positioning content, taking into account ethnicity, religion together with the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the audience. Both the effectiveness of promoting program statements and ideas and strengthening the country’s geopolitics depend on the degree of linguocultural orientation of international broadcasting activities.
About the authors
Nailya E. Efendieva
Russia Today
Author for correspondence.
Master of Philology, Editor, United International Broadcasting Directorate
4 Zubovskii Bulvar, Moscow, 119021, Russian FederationReferences
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