The interdisciplinary approach adopted by scholars in recent decades has required the adaptation of well-known methodologies used in literary studies, art studies, musicology, to the changing nature of the object of study. The productivity of the approach used in the monograph by A.A. Shuldishova is determined by the combination of philological and musicological methods. The article verifi the author's hypothesis of diff ways by which the text acquires some qualities of music, the latter including such techniques as musical quotations and allusions, verbal music and “zero degree of verbal music”. The lexical and stylistic means of creating a poetic image are considered, while the reference to the musical pretext, which helps to recreate its literary analogue, corresponds to various levels: motivational, thematic, genre. Instead of the concept of synthesis of arts we are talking about the creation of musical images and images of music through the introduction of elements that actualize the associative component of musical memory.