“I don’t want to be the slave...” To the 80 anniversary since the birth of Venedikt Erofeyev

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On October 24, 2018 80 years since the birth of Venedikt Erofeyev - one of the most unusual Russian writers, thinkers and rebels of the XX century were executed. This article is devoted to identification and the description of the nature of creative intension of the writer. Besides, the stateof-the-art review of the main stages biographic and a career of V. Erofeyev is provided. It is proved that the main sense-forming milestones of the creative nature of the author are the following: sources (or injuries) which defined a drama vector of all course of life; gift as potentiality of the birth of creative energy; “madness” as original, original manifestation of identity and, at last, belief - a powerful moral and spiritual ancestor.

About the authors

Tatyana Evgenjevna Troschinskaya-Stepushina

Public Institution of Education “High School No. 4 of Vitebsk”

Author for correspondence.
Email: astrid_2000@tut.by

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Teacher of Russian and Literature of the Highest Qualification Category

67 Frunze St., Vitebsk, 210009, Republic of Belarus


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