I.A. Bunin and S.N. Durylin: problems of creative dialogue
- Authors: Korshunova E.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 27-34
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/article/view/21012
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2019-24-1-27-34
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The article is devoted to the consideration of the creative connections of I.A. Bunin and S.N. Durylin (1887-1954). In modern literary criticism, the question of studying the creative connections of S.N. Durylin and I.A. Bunin is urgent, which was not touched upon by the researchers. Although Durylin does not belong to the writers of emigration, in Russia he almost immediately finds himself in internal emigration: art works and scientific works were not published. This brought him closer to Bunin’s position. First of all, Durylin is interested in Bunin’s story “The Village”, in which the “Russian question” is touched. But, if in the story “Village” the writer does not fully accept the Bunin idea of Russia as a country of the wild and primeval, then in the “Life of Arseniev” the model of Russian life recreated by the author finds a response in Durylin’s creative consciousness. In the memoir book “In his corner” the author recreates the immanent image of Bunin’s native land. Brings together the writers of the perception of the revolution of 1917 as a “breakdown”, a catastrophe, a lyric narrative, a structureforming function of memory. However, if Bunin’s pre-revolutionary pictures of Russian life are the center of the narrative, then Durylin serves as a background (and a window into an ideal past), the focus of writers’ attention is the post-revolutionary process of the death of the healthy beginnings of Russian life, embodied in the form of snow.
About the authors
Evgenia Alexandrovna Korshunova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: zhenyakorshunova@gmail.com
PhD of the Department of Modern Russian Literature and Contemporary Literary Process
1 Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationReferences
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