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In this article the authors consider a problem of perception of creolised texts by various target audiences, the essence of the concepts “monoactive culture”, “polyactive culture”, “respect oriented cultures” reveals. Special attention is paid to the main and lexical lines of publicistic style of creolised texts. The authors disclose these processes through the prism of their perception by target audience. Based on communicative model of the British scientist and specialist in the field of cross-cultural management Richard Lewis, the examples of journalistic and advertizing texts were also analysed from the point of their perception by different cuuntries.

About the authors

V L Muzykant

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: irina-krivich@mail.ru

Muzykant Valerii Leonidovich, Doctor of Filology, Professor, Department of Mass communications, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/2, Moscow, Russia, 117198

I S Krivich

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Email: irina-krivich@mail.ru

Krivich Irina Sergeevna, Phd student, Department of Mass Comunications, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/2, Moscow, Russia, 117198


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Copyright (c) 2017 Muzykant V.L., Krivich I.S.

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