- Authors: Zhirkova MA1
- Pushkin Leningrad State University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 407-416
- URL:
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In the article an attempt was made to recover personal and creative relationship of two writers, the associated multi-year friendship, which began in Russia. The first meeting of the writers could be held in the magazine “Satyricon”, who collaborated with Sasha Cherny and where the was published Kuprin. In exile, the communication became closer, the relationship evolved into a sincere affection and strong friendship. With this goal involves reviews, letters, memories; analyzed the poems of Sasha Cherny with a dedication to A. Kuprin. Special attention is paid to the texts that one way or another one, is the image of a writer: from the simple references to create a lyrical character. Each of the writers in his reviews, articles and letters commended the works of another. In exile they were there, helping and supporting each other, maybe it is this support allowed them to survive in the new conditionals.
About the authors
M A Zhirkova
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Author for correspondence.
Zhirkova Mfrina Anatolyevna, PHD of Philology, Professor assistant of Department of Literature and Russian language, Leningrad state University.
Peterburgskoye shosse, 10, Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 196605References
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