In article the cycle of sonnets of Vladimir Palchikov “The poet of the Igor’s regiment” is analyzed. Images legendary Bojana in his correlation with the anonymous author of the great poem, the prince Igor, his brother Vsevolod, Izyaslav Vasilkovich, Yaroslavna and the grand Kiev duke Svyatoslav are considered.The genius author of the poem “The word about of the Igor’s regiment” from the time of its discovery had a multiple resound in Russian poetry. Its interpreters invented so many various forms. One of the most unexpected were sonnets and its variations (cycles of sonnets, and others). Though it’s a truth that “The word about Igor’s regiment” and sonnets appeared almost simultaneously at the end of XIIth century.The article sonnet cycle of V. Palchikov is being analyzed. The images of legendary Boyan are being revised, as well as Knight Igor, his brother Vsevolod, Izyzslavl’ Vasilkovich and Yaroslavna, Kiev Great Knight Svyatoslav. Especial attention is payed to the confessional position of the legendary author.