A NEW BOOK ABOUT VOLOSHINReview of the book: Pinaev S.M. Poet of the Rhyme or Eternity. Earthly ways and Spiritual donations of Maximillian Voloshin. Moscow. “Azbukovnik” Publishing house, 2015, 800 p
- Authors: Fedotov OI1
- Moscow Institute of open education
- Issue: No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 172-178
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/article/view/13383
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The Review is devoted to the analysis of monography book by famous researcher of Russian poetM. Voloshin. It states the final character of the book, which contains various discourses of Voloshin’s studies: his biography, analyses of poetry and his outlook. Through the context of Silver Age Culture the book gives the sketches of poetical talent, his contribution to the treasuries of World and Russian Poetry. The researcher reveals Voloshin’s significance through controversy with various views of other researchers.