编号 1 (2011)
- 年: 2011
- 文章: 20
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/issue/view/588
About interpretation of semantics of fundamental verbs to be and to have
The article deals with the problem of correlation and differentiation of lexical and grammatical meanings of polysemantic verbs treated as language units that create sense in the process of functioning. Combination of lexical and grammatical functions of the analyzed verbs is connected with the coexistence of elements of the old state and the new one.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):5-10
Characteristics of forming of synonymic rows within lexical phraseological field
The article deals with the characteristics of forming of phraseological synonymic rows with a lexical identifier as a dominant of a row. Revealed synonymic rows mirror the deepness of systematic language relationships between lexis and phraseology.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):11-18
Emotional and Expressive Characteristics of the verbal idioms in Russian, Tajik and English Languages
The article speaks on importance to carry out of comparative and typological study in the area of verbal idioms denoting feelings. The research has resulted in defining four general characteristics of verbal idioms in three languages and is illustrated by examples.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):19-23
Culture-Bound aspects of color terms transaltion from English into Russian
This article is devoted to studying the semantics of color terms. Comparative analysis of the names of colors and their tones in the translation aspect enriches the knowledge in this field and brings out the specifics of linguistic and national character.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):24-32
The theoretical aspects of nominative processes in Modern Literary Arabic
The current paper articulates the problem of a theoretical classification possibility of nominative processes in terms of development of the Modern Literary Arabic language at the present stage.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):33-40
Lexical features of emphasis in the Swiss national variant of French language
The article is dedicated to the emphasizing words and expressions used in the Swiss national variant of the French language; the issues of the language social role as well as the problems of intercultural communication are also touched upon.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):41-44
Personal autonomy and its manifestation in English lexis and phraseology
The article is devoted to personal autonomy (privacy), which is viewed as one of the most cherished values of the Anglo-Saxon culture, and its manifestation in the lexis and phraseology of English. A lot of peculiarities of the English mentality and communication can be explained through it.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):45-51
Language of fashion in the age of Globalization (on the anglo-american borrowings in Russian, French and Spanish versions of the magazine Vogue)
This article deals with the comparative analysis of Anglo-American borrowings, which are used in Spanish, French and Russian versions of the Vogue magazine.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):52-61
Metaphoric conceptualization of Quantity of Food in French Phraseology
On the basis of linguo-cultural analysis of the French phraseology the spectrum of cultural connotations of concept quantity of food is defined.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):62-66
Lexical and Sematical peculiarities of onomatopic verbs «-Да- / -Де-» in Karachay-Balkar language
The article is devoted to researching of onomatopolic affix in verbs -да- // -де- in Karachay-Balkar language. Here are examined such questions as the history of affix origin, semantic classification of derivational units, affixation and lexicalization as methods of new lexical units formation.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):67-76
Concept of Tree in the ethnical sphere of concepts of the French language in Sub-Saharan Africa
The article deals with the concept of tree as an integral part of the ethnical sphere of concepts of the French language in sub-Saharan Africa on the basis of linguistic and cultural analysis.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):77-82
Somatic means of person's characterization in French argot (on the material of the phraseological thematic group «Person's character»)
This article reveals the peculiarity of the functioning of the somatic words being parts of the French argotic phraseological units which form the phraseological thematic group Person's character. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the image-bearing and symbol basis of the somatic words in the structure of the phraseological units under consideration. While studying the structural and semantic features of the units which are investigated special attention is given to the analysis of the substitution and intensification.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):83-90
Specific character of emotional state (in terms of French)
This work deals with psychological and linguistic approaches to emotions and emotional states. The author describes in terms of French different types of emotional experience such as mood, emotion, feeling, affect, passion and also gives a classification of emotional state.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):91-95
Working with the dictionary and educational comments in the teaching process of foreign languages outside the linguistic environment
In the article problems concerning the teaching of the Russian language to Mexican students outside the linguistic environment related to cultural and linquistic difficulties are commented; concrete examples from the author's experience in such aspects in the teaching of foreign language, such as working with the dictionary in the classroom and educational comments, are offered.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):96-104
Repetition in German advertisement is a speech act, contributing to the realization of the advertiser's strategy
We suppose that syntactic units in similar positions affecting the subconscious of the prospective customer can transform into emotional images according to the indirect strategy of the advertiser's manipulating influence.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):105-111
About the informational structure of dialogic speech (English language)
This work is devoted to the analysis of the informational structure of the dialogic text (speech), its correlation with communicative segmentation
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):112-115
Semiotic of the space in Cortazar's texts
The article is dedicated to the analysis of text-frame of Hopscotch by Cortázar. One important particularity of text is that it has two or more frames at the same time. Both frames represent the images of the space: infinite space and circular space. Its labyrinth-structure seems the vicious circle, but can represent the issue to other level of existence.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):116-121
The literary text as the object of conceptual analysis
The article is devoted to the study of the conceptual space of the literary text as a source of linguistic and cultural information. It deals with some types of national-specific concepts, that form the sphere of concepts of the national language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):122-126
The main trends in the researches of textological problems done by young scientists in Russia
The article presents the analysis of personnel potential in Russia in the field of textology on the basis of generalization of the researches presented by young scientists within the framework of the All-Russia scientific school for youth «Textual analysis today: results, problems, methods», on November, 8-20th, 2010, Moscow, PFUR.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):127-134
Our autors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2011;(1):135-136