Working with the dictionary and educational comments in the teaching process of foreign languages outside the linguistic environment

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In the article problems concerning the teaching of the Russian language to Mexican students outside the linguistic environment related to cultural and linquistic difficulties are commented; concrete examples from the author's experience in such aspects in the teaching of foreign language, such as working with the dictionary in the classroom and educational comments, are offered.

About the authors

S A Iakovleva

National Autonomous University of Mexico

Центр Иностранных языков факультета Арагон; Национальный автономный университет Мексики; National Autonomous University of Mexico


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  4. Успенская И.Д. Комментирование как вид лексикографической деятельности // Сборник статей под редакцией В.В. Морковкина и Л.Б. Трушиной. - М.: Русский язык, 1986.
  5. Журавлева Л.С. и др. Практический курс русского языка. - М.: Арсис Лингва, 1993.

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