编号 3 (2008)


Phonetic and stylistics database of OF Smerdyakov's discourse

Lugowska H.


Various peculiarities of phonetic analysis in communicative stylistics of text are disclosed in the present report. The subject of the report is the experience of the examination of the oral speech of Smerdyakov. The article contains the results of research of phonetic database of Smerdyakov along with the influence of his social status.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Linguistic units of the semantic field «costume» in communicative space of A.N. Tolstoy's novel «Peter the Great»

Milova N.


The article is devoted a social function of semantically pole of costume in the novel «Peter I» by A. Tolstoy. Author describes main principles of systematization of Russian lexicon, using new and traditional points of view.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):13-22
pages 13-22 views

Narrative Objectification Techniques In Chekhov's Short Story «The Grasshopper»

Nikashina N.


In the article, on the basis of the factual material of the short story «The Grasshopper» by A.P. Chekhov, issues of the fundamental heterogeneity of the story are considered and various repetitions are analysed.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):23-27
pages 23-27 views

English language diachronic morphologic change causes new point of view

Bondarenko E.


Any language is a systematic-structural organization. Its inner structure is characterized by having an ability to self-development. The self-organization theory offers new ideas of diachronic language change causes explanation. The English language morphological changes causes of early stages development must be thought of as a combination of inner language abilities to self-development and extra linguistic factors.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):28-32
pages 28-32 views

On the issue of grammatical gender in persons' nomination in accordance with the profession in the uatemalan national variant of the Spanish language (based on the Guatemalan press)

Kotenyatkina I.


The article deals with the role of the gender when nominating persons in accordance with their profession in the Guatemalan national variant of the Spanish language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):33-37
pages 33-37 views

On some peculiarities of the political discourse of the Spanish government President Mr. Rodrнguez Zapatero

Kurchatkina O.


The article considers some peculiarities of the political discourse based on some speeches by the President of Government of Spain Mr. Jose Luis Rodrнguez Zapatero in the UN, the Spanish Parliament, press-conferences and TV interviews.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):38-43
pages 38-43 views

A comprehensive approach to the word semantic structure definition within a semantic

Kalinycheva E.


The article describes a comprehensive approach to the word semantic structure definition that serves a foundation for the exploration and definition of meanings of modern English verbs denoting light.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Modern trends of popular science discourse development

Egorova L.


The article analyses the purposes of popular science communication and their influence on modern trends of popular science discourse development and its linguistic characteristics.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Role of Articles in Formation of Communicative Perspective of English Utterance

Ogurechnikova N.


The subject matter of the paper is related to the well-known general problem of the functional perspective of the English utterance, the latter, however, is seen here as a two-fold phenomenon, splitting within itself into semantic relations between the communicative elements, depending on the use of articles, and the informative structure of the utterance, which is not the target of the paper. The author examines the characteristics of the English articles, enabling to treat them as linguistic units which form the syntax of speech, the latter being differentiated from syntactic models being part of language. Thus the paper clearly distinguishes language and speech. Special attention is given, on the one hand, to semantic relations between the communicative elements of the utterance and, on the other hand, to semantic relations between such communicative elements, articles being the main linguistic units molding communicative elements proper and semantic relations between them.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):56-62
pages 56-62 views

Methods of the expression of reciprocity of action in the Arabic language and their correspondence in the Russian language

Belyaeva I.


In this article the methods of the expression of the reciprocity of action in Arabic and Russian languages are considered.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):63-68
pages 63-68 views

Invective denominations of negative traits of character and antisocial patterns of behaviour in the spanish and american linguistic communities

Zavorotishcheva N.


On the basis of the comparative approach the article deals with the national specific features of the invective means referring to a person's character and antisocial behavioral models in the Peninsular National Variant of the Spanish language and the American National Variant of the English language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):69-74
pages 69-74 views

Comparative analysis of main functional features of «compliment» as speech event in english and spanish linguistic cultures

Martynova J.


The article deals with the general comparative analysis of main forms of the communication concept «Compliment» in English and Spanish cultures from the point of view of its stylistic form, main functions, and communicative intentions of the speech event participants.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):75-79
pages 75-79 views

The learner's errors theory and metasense in discourse

Shlykhov V.


The author discusses the learner's errors theories stemming from phycolinguistics, pragmalinguistics and language learning psychology. In the theory of discourse the scientists are concerned with the problems of understanding the metasense in communication, the way people extract information from extralinguistic sources, and how they overcome obstacles in intercultural communication. Reasons for communicative failures are considered from the pragmalinguistic standpoint. The author believes that elimination of communicative failures of pragmalinguistics nature calls for comments and explanatory notes different from those of traditional lexico-grammatical type. Innovation strategies in commenting with account of psycholinguistic factors are being developed within the lacuna theory; they could be included in the learner's errors theory.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2008;(3):80-85
pages 80-85 views
