编号 2 (2009)


The linguistic means of persuasive communication in the election campaign discourse

Baghana J., Bocharova E.


The article discusses the linguistic means of the speaker's influence on the audience in order to persuade them. The article is based on the public speeches transcripts of Barack Obama, John McCain and Dmitrii Medvedev in 2007-2008.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Area of media-political text as method of the appreciating

Marjanchik V.


In the article was considered area as the global category, realisating appreciating potential in media-political text. There is analyzing simulative function of the media-text and it's influence on the addressee's world picture.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):11-18
pages 11-18 views

Ways of expression of passive meaning in Arabic language and their conformity in Russian language

Belyaeva I.


In this article the ways of the expression of the passive meaning in Arabic and Russian languages are considered.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):19-25
pages 19-25 views

Functional equivalence on the lexico-semantical level

Chernyakova J.


The article presents various means to achieve functional equivalence on the lexico-semantical level in fiction translation.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Usage of pronouns and verbs in Cortazar's novel «Rayuela» as reflection of decentralized vision of world

Broitman М.


This article analyses the usage of personal pronouns and impersonal verbs in Cortazar's novel «Rayuela». These forms are being examined in connection with relations between «I» and «The Other». The semantics of unusual usage of plural forms and impersonal verbs in the Cortazar's text is connected with the fictitious nature of hero's personality limits, and represents the author's personality as multiple one. This fact reflects the decentralized, probabilistic picture of world, created by Julio Cortazar.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Phonetical features of portuguese language regional varients

Budnik E.


The article explains the features of consonant system of Portuguese language in African, Asian and Latin American countries, by using websites on English and Portuguese language. The transcription given on these websites is preserved in this article.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):38-42
pages 38-42 views

Axiological meaning of idioms and its representation in illustrative examples of dictionaries

Guay K.


The article is devoted to lexicographic description of idioms. Special groups of idioms have been specified, along with the types of illustrative examples conveying axiological meaning of idioms. The obtained results help to identify interrelations between the group an idiom belongs to, and the way its axiological meaning is represented in a dictionary example.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Social-regulavive concept «fair play» in english linguaculture

Gunina L.


Linguacultural social-regulative concept «fair play» is analized in the article. The concept contains moral-ethic values (the highest orientations) and norms of behaviour. The role of fair play in the historic development of the Еnglish society is considered. Conceptual, figurative and value aspects of the concept «fair play» as ethnocultural value dominant of the english linguaculture are analized.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):50-56
pages 50-56 views

Concept «men's charming» in French culture through phraseology

Kurguzenkova Z.


On the basis of linguo-cultural analysis of the French phraseology the spectrum of cultural connotations of concept «men's charming» is defined.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Functional and stylistic features of Swiss marked personal nouns

Podkin A.


The article intends to describe the most considerable functional features of Swiss marked personal nouns in fiction, social and political essays and to reveal their most substantial stylistic characteristics. The research shows the sources and factors causing functional features of Swiss marked vocabulary in general and of personal nouns in particular.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):61-71
pages 61-71 views

Peculiarities of representing the concept of space filling

Prokhorova O., Likhacheva V.


The article describes cognitive peculiarities of language representing of space logical contours, object localization, space characteristics and action dynamics.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):72-76
pages 72-76 views

Functional-stylistic identification of Arab publicity written speech (APWS)

Spirkin A.


This article is dedicated to characteristics of Arab publicistic written speach, which is distinguished by following particular features: emotionality, expressivenoss and many others, that may be expressed via various means of the modern Arab language.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):77-84
pages 77-84 views

On lexical borrowings from the Catalan, Galician and Basque languages in Spanish political speech

Urzhumtseva A.


The article explores and classifies Spanish borrowings (such as certain toponyms, anthroponyms, and precedent text fragments) from official provincial languages of Spain (Catalan, Galician, Basque) in political speech of this country.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Representation of the concept «space» according to the toponimic data of the Zabaikalye region

Fedotova T.


The paper deals with the representation of the concept «space» according to the Zabaikalye region toponimic space data. The author comes to the conclusion that this concept is very important for the reconstruction of the East Zabaicalye first residents linguistic picture of the world.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2009;(2):91-98
pages 91-98 views
pages 99-100 views
