Usage of pronouns and verbs in Cortazar's novel «Rayuela» as reflection of decentralized vision of world

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This article analyses the usage of personal pronouns and impersonal verbs in Cortazar's novel «Rayuela». These forms are being examined in connection with relations between «I» and «The Other». The semantics of unusual usage of plural forms and impersonal verbs in the Cortazar's text is connected with the fictitious nature of hero's personality limits, and represents the author's personality as multiple one. This fact reflects the decentralized, probabilistic picture of world, created by Julio Cortazar.

About the authors

М S Broitman

Russian University of Peoples' Friendship

Кафедра иностранных языковФилологический факультет; Российский университет дружбы народов; Russian University of Peoples' Friendship


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Abstract: 591

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