The Wanderer in Russian Language and Culture: Values, Concept, Image
- Authors: Maslova V.A1
- Vitebsk State University
- Issue: No 3 (2015)
- Pages: 23-31
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article analyzes three entities - value, concept and image; they become additional (according to Bohr) and interchangeable when working with specific language material. Their essence is vivedly manifested in the reconstruction of the spiritual values, which form concept and the latter becoming image in the works of writers and poets demonstrating the integrative nature of the values. In this regard, the article states that time has come for integral knowledge that requires a change in the parameters of scientific thinking. Thus, overlapped interests of different sciences in one object is a new tendency of the time. The object of study in this article is the wanderer and wandering, they are multidimensional, complex, ambiguous, and can be studied in various fields of scientific knowledge: theology, cognitive linguistics, philosophy, psychology, art history, aesthetics, etc., obtaining a different content in each science.
About the authors
Valentina A Maslova
Vitebsk State University
Department of General and Russian linguistics
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