Modeling of the Case Grammatical Meaning
- Authors: Novikov AL1, Rybakov MA1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: No 3 (2014)
- Pages: 85-96
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article raises the problem of constructing a semantic model to describe the meaning of the grammatical category of case in the languages of different types. The main objective of this publication - to provide an overview of different points of view on the semantic structure of the category of case and to compare different models of case semantics. Initial impulse to the development of problems of case semantics became the grammar and typological ideas of A.A. Potebnya and R. Jakobson. The basis of these models, which differ from each other in the number and nature of the allocation of features is the idea of the possibility of representing grammatical meaning as a structured set of semantic features. The analysis shows that the construction of formal models of grammatical categories is impossible without referring to the content of the dominant semantic features in the structure of grammatical meaning. Despite all the difficulties of modeling grammatical semantics, to construct a semantic model of case is an interesting and promising task of general morphology and typological linguistics.
About the authors
A L Novikov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
The Department of General and Russian Linguistics Faculty of Philology
M A Rybakov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
The Department of General and Russian Linguistics Faculty of Philology
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