Irony in Political Discourse: Aggression or Entertainment?

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The paper deals with the functions of irony in the English and Russian political discourse. Such functions of irony as aggression and entertainment are analyzed. Modern tendencies in political speech, such as the loss of official style and wide usage of obscene lexis are regarded. An attempt to reveal similarities and differences in the two cultures is made. It is based on the results of empirical study. Speeches of English and Russian political leaders, taken from TV programmes and news broadcast served as the material for the research, as well as literature and the internet resources. Special attention is paid to the successfully developing genre of political parody. The author concludes that irony in political speeches is a key to success of a political leader and ensures the most powerful effect on the audience.

About the authors

A A Gornostaeva

Moscow State Linguistic University

Department of General Translation Faculty of Intercultural Communication


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