Tourist Notices in the Spotlight of Linguistic Landscape and Translation Studies
- Authors: Bilá M.1, Vaňková I.1
- University of Prešov
- Issue: Vol 23, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 681-697
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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In the 21st century, even local tourist spots are globally accessible and need to be communicated in a globally shared language, a lingua franca (Ben-Rafael & Ben Rafael 2015). The language of most obvious choice among speakers from different linguacultural backgrounds is English. When translating notices in national parks into English, translators should predominantly consider the function of the TT (target text), the target audience (not exclusively L1 speakers of English but, the speakers of a variety of languacultures communicating in English as lingua franca (ELF) and opt for translation solutions that would account for visitors representing a diversity of languacultures. The present paper aims at finding out what modifications in translation of visitors’ rules may be necessary if the target readership is to be considered, and at explicating the translation process through applying a transdisciplinary perspective of ELF studies, linguistic landscape (LL) studies, cross-field studies on conceptualization, translanguaging and translation studies. The study shows that these modifications affect the significance and hierarchy of the four principles operating in LL (presentation-of-self, power-relations, good reasons and collective-identity) and are projected into specific LL-tailored translation solutions (shifts in modality, lexis, style and discourse markers). The modifications are achievable in ELF, which, as a form and function, a de-regionalized and de-culturalized artifact of global village, is capable of catering for a variety of languacultures with their specific societal conventions, practices, and the whole explicit and implicit axio-sphere.
About the authors
Magdaléna Bilá
University of Prešov
Author for correspondence.
Professor at the Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, The University of Prešov in Prešov, Slovak Republic. Her research interests include comparative and contrastive studies (juxtaposing English and Slovak), discourse analysis and translation studies (conceptualization in a source and a target language).
1, 17.Novembra Str., 08078, Prešov, SlovakiaIngrida Vaňková
University of Prešov
Assistant Professor at the Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, The University of Prešov in Prešov. Her research interests include comparative and contrastive studies (English and Slovak lexicology, phraseology, and word formation), text herme- neutics, and translation studies.
1, 17.Novembra Str., 08078, Prešov, SlovakiaReferences
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