A Semantic Menagerie: The Conceptual Semantics of Ethnozoological Categories
- Authors: Goddard C.1
- Griffith University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2018): Studies in semantics: for Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary
- Pages: 539-559
- Section: STUDIES IN SEMANTICS: For Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/19346
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2018-22-3-539-559
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About the authors
Cliff Goddard
Griffith University
Email: c.goddard@griffith.edu.au
Professor of Linguistics at Griffith University. He is a leading proponent of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage approach to semantics and its sister theory, the cultural scripts approach to pragmatics, also known as ethnopragmatics. His recent publications include the edited volume Minimal English for a Global World (2018 Palgrave), Words and Meanings: Lexical Semantics Across Domains, Languages and Cultures (co-authored with Anna Wierzbicka; 2014 OUP), the textbook Semantic Analysis (2nd ed., 2011 OUP) and Ten Lectures on Natural Semantic Metalanguage (2018 Brill). 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, Queensland 4111 Australia
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