
Development of international organizations in the context of evolution of global political system
Kaverin M.A., Malkov S.Y.
Priorities of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and Azerbaijan in the Conditions of the Global Turbulence
Filkevich I.A., Mamedov Z.F., Gubadova A.A., Mamedova S.K.
The Implosion of Global Liberal World Order and Russian Foreign Policy: Dimensions, Tensions, and Prospects
Kochtcheeva L.V.
Foreign Policy Thinking in Latin America: Concepts, Approaches and Research Directions
Prokhorenko I.L.
The Evolution of Peacekeeping Operations : Interview with Professor Alexander I. Nikitin
Nikitin A.I.
From Systemic IR History to the Russian IR Theory. Interview with Professor Alexei D. Bogaturov
The UN Charter and the New World Order
Grishaeva L.E.
Foundations of Turkish Claims in the Eastern Mediterranean
Gudev P.A.
Forms and Methods of Chinese Students Attracting to Study in the USA and the Great Britain
Belchenko A.S., Teplov A.V.
International Youth Organizations in Europe: Some Aspects of Participation in Promotion of “Soft Power”
Asadov B.o., Kostrikin A.V.
OUIS and MINUSCA in the CAR: The Effectiveness of Realist and Liberal Peacekeeping Paradigms
Bovdunov A.L.
Digital Challenge for the Arab World: Integration or Differentiation Factor?
Valiakhmetova G.N., Tsukanov L.V.
United Nations role in resolution international conflicts
Suleymanov A.V.
The Peacekeeping Role of the Organization of African Unity During the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970
Mazov S.V.
Strategies for Digital Development of Key States of the Global South in the Context of U.S.-Chinese Technological Rivalry
Stoletov O.V.
The Use of Force in Modern Counter-Terrorism: International Legal and Political Aspects
Gromoglasova E.S.
Applied Analysis of the Foreign Policy of CIS Countries
Degterev D.A., Degterev A.K., Nikulin M.A., Oganesyan A.L.
Snow Dragon: China’s Arctic Policy Facing New Challenges
Galimullin E.Z., Kashin V.B., Kramarenko A.S.
Debt Sustainability of Latin American Countries in the post-COVID Economy
Kuznetsov A.V., Morozov S.A.
Eurasianism, Eurasian Economic Union and Multipolarity: Assessments of Foreign Experts
Bazavluk S.V., Kurylev K.P., Savin L.V.
0 - 0 of 167 Items > >> 

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