No 4 (2014): Post-Soviet Area: Ukrainian Crisis, Eurasian integration, Energy and Security
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 33
- URL:
The Weimar Triangle and The Ukrainian Crisis
The article analyzes the activity of Weimar Triangle (Germany, France, Poland) during Ukrainian crisis (2013-2014) as an efficient, but still largely underestimated negotiation force of the European Union. The evolution of role of Weimar Triangle in post-bipolar era is indicated, as well as the role of this specific structure during Ukrainian crisis.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):7-12

Crimean Referendum: International Legal Aspects
The article examines the key aspects of the accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation as the example of enforcement of the people’s right to self-determination, secured in UN Charter. International law basis of the accession, as well analysis of key reasons and consequences of this international precedent are under consideration.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):13-19

Historical Parallels
The article is focused on the current events taking place in the Ukraine in general context of modern international relations. In particular, the similarities of Ukrainian events to the events on an international arena in the pre-war period are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the tendency that current politics of Great Britain, France and Germany is oriented to the USA, just as in the 30-ies of XX century, when England and France are almost encouraged German actions.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):20-24

Ukrainian Crisis of 2013-2014 and Arab Spring of 2011: Common and Different
On the background of the Ukrainian crisis of 2013-2014 one makes more comparisons between the events in Ukraine and the “Arab spring” of 2011, says that the technologies of the “Arab spring” came to Ukraine. Is that really so? What are the common and the different factors of the events in these countries? The author of the article considers that the Ukrainian crisis of 2013-2014 can be regarded as a link in the chain of the so-called color revolutions in the different countries and regions of the world during the 2000s-2010s only by a long stretch of the imagination. Despite the formal resemblance the Ukrainian crisis seems to be an independent phenomenon, caused by the entwinement of the internal and external factors; both were of great importance. But the events of the “Arab spring” were mainly formed on the basis of the internal factors.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):25-38

Effectiveness of International System of Human Rights Protection in context of Ukrainian Crisis
The article examines the modern international system of human rights protection, including intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. Practical activities of this system are analyzed during the Ukrainian crisis; suggestions are made to improve its efficiency.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):39-46

Ukrainian Crisis: Perspectives from Asian-Pacific Region
The following article discusses the latest developments in Ukraine in 2013-2014. Different point of views of the Asia-Pacific region and countries like China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia will be considered in this topic. During this period, the country is experiencing a political crisis, that affects the Ukraine itself, as well as international relations in the described region. The point of view on these matters by the countries of the Asia-Pacific rim must be taken into account too.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):47-58

Views of Ukrainian Crises in Research of American Think-tanks
The paper is a brief analysis of the main approaches developed within American “think-tanks” concerning the events taking place in Ukraine. According to most researchers, the Ukrainian crisis requires US strong engagement to confirm the key geopolitical role of the White House as the sole guarantor of the stability of the current Euro-Atlantic and the Middle Eastern security environment.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):59-69

Course of Russian History for Foreigners as an Instrument of Eurasian Integration
The article considers the significance of teaching the course of history as a means, that can influence the integration process in CIS countries. It is noted that the studying of traditions and culture of the host country helps them to adapt to Russian social life. Besides, it is emphasized that the general historical knowledge creates the condition for overcoming ethnic and cultural barriers and it becomes one of the spiritual factors of Eurasian integration. Particular attention is paid to the content of the course in which specific historical examples show that Russia was founded and developed through the unity and interaction of different nations, traditions and cultures.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):70-77

Common Migration Policy as a Part of Common Economic Space: Problems of Figuring out and Perspectives of Implementation
Flows of the labor migration are becoming more massive under the conditions of the world economy internationalization. It should be mentioned that this process is under the impact of objective and subjective factors, such as political unstability. The key idea of this article is to research migration policy of the Eurasian economic area' countries, its development under the condition of deepening of integration process among the Eurasian economic area' countries and to figure out proposals and recommendations of making the common migration policy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):78-86

Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus - Basis of Economic Security
The article on the extensive factual material considered priorities and formation of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in the conditions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, after the collapse of the USSR. Highlights the positive role of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to realize these issues. All issues are analyzed with the help of large legal framework, which was formed between Russia and Kazakhstan in the field of realization of the Customs Union countries and other countries of the CIS goals.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):87-94

Kyrgyzstan Integration in Eurasian Union
The article is devoted to the issues of Kyrgyzstan integration in the Eurasian Union. At the meeting of the Presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Russia in July 2014, it was announced that the end of the integration process will be accelerated and Kyrgyzstan will become a member of the Union till the end of this year. However, rapid integration is connected with economic and political risks, and the voices of Eurasian Union critics became louder. In such circumstances, it becomes actual to analyze the priorities of the state members of the Eurasian Union and their external contractors which were formed over the past 20 years.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):95-102

Fergana factor as the Security Problem in Central Asia
The article highlights geopolitical importance of the Fergana Valley as a factor of instability in the interstate relations of Central Asia countries. Fergana Valley is a territory that accumulates collisions and conflicts, urgent problems and issues of the Central Asia region (delimitation and demarcation of boundaries, poverty, lack of agricultural and fertility lands, lack of water resources, unemployment, ethnic collisions, and etc.) Therefore, analysis of the main problems in the Fergana Valley plays a big role in understanding of the situation in Central Asia and outside the region.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):103-111

GUAM as a Project of Alternative Integration in the Post-Soviet Spac
The article deals with GUAM as an example of alternative integration in the post-Soviet space. The author reveals the goals and objectives of this international organization. The paper states that GUAM was formed as an economic and political organization, which didn't exclude establishment of cooperation in the military field. Particular attention is paid to the use of GUAM by external actors to enforce its interests in the post-Soviet space.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):112-119

Conditions and Characteristics of Belarusian-Russian Energy Cooperation
This paper analyzes the legislative instruments regulating energy cooperation relations in the framework of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Formulate five basic pillars of a common energy market.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):120-128

TANAP Gas Pipeline as an Alternative Route to Ensure Energy Security of Europe
There is considered the role of TANAP pipeline in the Caspian region, conducted analysis of changing of the forces' balance, as well as geopolitical aspirations of the various international actors in the region in the article. The author points out that Azerbaijani gas reserves are very attractive to the EU which is aspiring to energy security through diversification of fuel supplies. However TANAP has competitors represented by Russian «South Stream» and the European Nabucco. The author concludes that in the frame of present conditions together with penetration of leading international actors to the Caspian region, its importance for the global geopolitics and geoeconomics is increasing and growing.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):129-136

Infrastructure Projections of Geoeconomics in Central Asia
The article considers peculiarities of the geoeconomics and geopolitics of Central Asia through the system of transport corridors and their economical impact to the CA countries. The special attention is paid to the railway construction project in the region. Considered the possible scenarios of Russia's actions in the CA. Particular attention is paid to the nature of the Russian presence in Central Asia and the potential participation of the Russian Federation in the construction of the railways in this region.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):137-147

India’s Foreign Policy Energy Agenda in the Central Asia (2000-2014)
The article analyses Indian energy policy goals in Central Asia and factors affecting their implementation at the present stage. It also touches upon Delhi’s diplomatic means of pursuing its energy interests. The author pays special attention to the problem of hydrocarbons transit from Central Asia to India.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):148-159

Relations of the Arab Gulf countries with Central Asian states of CIS
The article describes the process of establishment and development of relations between the Arab Gulf countries, members of the GCC, and the post-Soviet states of the Central Asia. The internal and external factors affecting the bilateral relationship are examined.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):160-168

Process of Institutionalization of Azerbaijan-Israeli Relations
The article dwells upon the process of formation and work peculiarities of the key structures of the Azerbaijani-Israeli cooperation. The author pinpoints achievements in the institutionalization of economic contacts, the main of which is the creation of a bilateral chamber of commerce. However the interaction potential is not fully exploited due to the absence of the Azerbaijani embassy in Israel.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):169-175

Applied Analysis of the Foreign Policy of CIS Countries
The article is devoted to applied methods of foreign policy analysis of CIS countries. Expectations of the population in foreign policy are considered on the basis of opinion polls, analysis of exports and imports, membership in international organizations, content analysis of doctrinal foreign policy documents, as well as vote on the most pressing issues in the UN General Assembly are analysed. Conclusions presented in the article is only a part of the project of analysis of the foreign policy of the CIS countries, implemented at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of People's Friendship University of Russia.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):176-184

Dimensions of International Hierarchy in the Post-Soviet Space: Analytical Approaches and Empirical Reflections
The article is dedicated to dimensions of international hierarchy in the post-soviet space. The phenomenon of hierarchy in International Relations is a specific theme. Given the traditional divide between domestic and international domains of political life, hierarchy as an ordering principle is traditionally ascribed to the domestic sphere of the modern state, whereas anarchy is the feature characterizing the relations between states on international arena.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):185-192

Post-Soviet Studies in Europe (Interview with Morgunova O.A., University of Glasgow, Scotland)
Interview is dedicated to the study of the CIS countries in Europe at the present stage. O.A. Morgunova talks about the relevance, problems and impact on the decision-making of foreign policy in the research of post-Soviet by European scientists.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):193-197

Post-Soviet Studies: Theory and Practice (Interview with Kolerov M.A., Editor-in-chief of REGNUM News Agency)
The former head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the editor in chief of news agency “REGNUM” Modest Alekseevich Kolerov talks about the role of the post-Soviet research in practice, most priority themes for policy decisions, as well as about the development scenarios in the former Soviet Union countries.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):198-200

Competition between Leading International Schools for the Future of Kazakhstan
This article describes the emerging competition in the country between the graduates of various foreign high schools. This issue may become very topical for Kazakhstan in the nearest future, and it can directly affect the country’s vector of development of foreign policy. Kazakhstan’s graduates of universities of Russia, China, Turkey and Western countries have entered into serious competition for the leading position in the national elite in the politics, economics and business areas.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):201-206

Participation of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in the activities of CIS Network University
The article analyzes processes in the sphere of humanitarian cooperation in the CIS region and PFUR contribution to the development of educational area as a key of success in strengthening intercultural relations and academic mobility in the CIS countries.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):207-213

Organization of Cooperation in Education and Science with Latin American countries
In the above article the problems associated with the organization of student exchanges on the example of Argentina are revealed, as well as practical recommendations for improving the implementation of academic mobility with the countries of Latin America.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):218-221

Approaches of Leading European Countries toward Transatlantic Security in the beginning of 1990s
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Western European countries’ approaches toward the security issues on the territory of Europe and in the Transatlantic region after the collapse of bipolar system. Consider the interaction between European states and the USA in the sphere of security. Besides, the strengthening of the NATO’s position during the given period is explained.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):229-236

Main Provisions of Diplomatic Protocol of the Ethiopian Empire
The implementation of various activities of foreign diplomatic service of each state follows certain traditions, conventions and rules, which is called diplomatic protocol. Diplomatic service became one of the types of public service of the Ethiopian empire, created in order to meet government objectives in the field of foreign policy with the Emperor Haile Selassie I coming to the power. The article discusses the features of the diplomatic protocol of the Ethiopian Empire.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):237-246

Vatican and Wider Europe (Review of book by Bykova G.I. «Vatican Foreign Policy in the European region in the 1990-2012»)
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):247-250

Our Authors
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):251-254

Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2014;(4):255-263