
The Interference Narrative in Australia - China Relations: Towards Confrontational Securitization
Kireeva A.A.
Israel in the Context of the “New Bipolarity”
Krylov A.V., Mikaelian A.A.
Western Balkans: External Actors Before and During the Current Crisis
Arlyapova E.S., Ponomareva E.G.
US “Outposts” in Latin America: Military-Technical Cooperation, Military Bases and Joint Exercises
Piatakov A.N., Kodzoev M.A.
The United States - Mexico Relations in the Context of the USMCA Agreement Ratification
Sokov I.A.
Dynamics and Prospects for China - Latin America Relations from the Perspective of Latin American Scholars
Bernal-Meza R.
Space and Counter-Space Activities of Great Powers in Outer Space
Islam M.
Strategies for Digital Development of Key States of the Global South in the Context of U.S.-Chinese Technological Rivalry
Stoletov O.V.
Military-Political Peculiarities of Germany’s Participation in Resolute Support Operation, 2015-2021
Trunov P.O.
World Regional Studies as a Research Approach and Scientific School. Interview with Alexei D. Voskressenski, Professor, MGIMO University
Ping-Pong Diplomacy: Impact on the Establishment of Sino-US Relations
Martynenko S.E., Trusova A.A., Cherniaev M.S.
The “Arabian Axis” in Kuwait Crisis: background and process of formation
Rodriguez-Fernandez A.M.
Chmyreva V.A.
Position of the American Think Tanks on Iran's Nuclear Program
Ivkina N.V., Poyda A.A.
United States Science Policy: from Conceptions to Practice
Konnov V.I., Balyshev A.V.
The Dartmouth Dialog: the First Steps of Informal Soviet-American Diplomacy
Moskovsky M.A.
From the History of Relations between Cuba and Mexico at the end of the XXth and the beginning of the XXIst Centuries
Saribekova S.V.
2010 NATO Strategic Concept in the Context of Security Ensuring in Europe
Kurylev K.P., Kazanchev D.V.
The Black Sea Region in the Contest of Geopolitical Projects of the Great Powers, 1991-2019
Irkhin A.A., Moskalenko O.A.
The Cold War and Africa’s Political Culture
Kalu K.
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