
Latin American Disintegration under Jair Bolsonaro During Brazilian Chancellor Ernesto Araujo’s Mandate, 2019-2021
Esteves A.L.
Brazil’s New Investment Treaty Model: Why Now?
Amorim L.S., Menezes H.Z.
Venezuelan Forced Migrants and Refugees in Brazil and Ecuador: Security Issues and Social Provision during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pacifico A.P., Da Costa Santos J., Silva F.S.
Latin American Integration against the Backdrop of a Conservative Wave: Between Irrelevance and the Search for New Meanings
Jeifets V.L., Konovalova K.A.
Colonial legacy as a source and a problem in South-South Cooperation: The Case of Brazil
Pavlova E.B.
Twenty years of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP): results and prospects
Chiaka O.W.
The Development of the Strategic Partnership between Brazil and the European Union
Borzova A.Y.
Relations between Russia and Brazil in BRICS from the Russian and Brazilian Researchers Point of View
Baryshev I.S.
Diplomatic Service of Brazil
Borzova A.Y.
Brasil approaches to the problems of national and regional security
Borzova A.Y.
Brazil’s 2019 BRICS Presidency: What to Expect from the Start of a New Decade of Cooperation and the J. Bolsonaro’s Administration
Popova I.M.
Latin American Development Trends and Brazil’s Role in the Region
De Almeida P.R.
Kupriyanov A.V.
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