No 4 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Geopolitical Struggle of Russia, Turkey and Iran in the Central Asia and Transcaucasia
Geopolitical problems of antagonism among Russia, Turkey and Iran in the Central Asia and Transcaucasia are considered in the article. The author analyzes in detail the main features of foreign policy of the specified countries in the given regions of the world, since the period after disintegration of the USSR up to now. Besides, the important place is given in the article to the analysis of ideological and political contradictions between Turkey and Iran, Russia and Turkey, Russia and Iran.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):5-12

Ukraine in Western Geopolitical Concepts
The article investigates the main geopolitical approaches of the Western researchers to the Ukraine. The author draws attention to their contradictory assessments of the Ukraine. On the one hand, the Western analysts attach great significance to this state due to its unique location. On the other hand, such location is regarded as insecurity and a kind of hindrance for being any important political actor. The Western geopolitics consider Ukraine not as an independent geopolitical unit with its own foreign policy interests, but only as an object for increasing pressure on Russia.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):20-31

Consequences for the Russian Agriculture of Joining the WTO
After negotiations, the Russian Federation has become one of the equal members of the World Trade Organization. But all the pros and cons of joining are not fully identified for agriculture. There is no consensus about this fact in scientific community. Authors examine steps that must be made by the Russian Federation, their impact on the industry.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):32-36

Global Innovation Space and Peculiarities of Its Formation in Russia
The article deals with the peculiarities of the contemporary state of global innovation space and possibilities of its improvement in the Russian Federation in the future on the basis of realization of a number of measures of both economic and infrastructure, legislative and technical nature. The authors consider innovative space of the Russian Federation as an element of the international system developed in the context of the world trends, but has its own specifics. A significant role in its formation and development, according to the authors, is allotted to the state, to create the mechanism of adaptation of international experience.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):37-46

The Development of the Strategic Partnership between Brazil and the European Union
The article deals with the process of formation of strategic partnership between Brazil and the EU, the main areas of interaction and cooperation program adopted at summits EU—Brazil, and their implementation. The article highlights problems in economic, trade and political relations.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):47-57

Saudi Arabia, the Arab and Islamic World on the Eve of the Formation of the OIC
The article discusses the features of the socio-political situation in the regions of the spread of Islam on the eve of the establishing of the Organization of Islamic Conference, as well as the role of Saudi Arabia in the creation of this organization.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):58-65

The Genesis of the History of the Educational Policy of the European Economic Community in 50—80s of the XX Century
The article considers the development of the cooperation in the field of higher education within the framework of the European Economic Community. The author proposes a general view on the activities of the Community in this area in 50—80s of the XX century. The main conclusion has been done that the European Economic Community consolidated fundamental principles of the European integration process in the field of higher education once founded by the Council of Europe.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):66-75

Development of Informational Technologies in Higher Education Management in Russia
Activity of the enterprises of various branches is comparable to functioning of modern system of the state. In any organization, irrespective of the direction and the maintaining sphere, administrative activity is closely connected with processing of data and production of final (output) information. The article deals with the analysis of the development of the informational technologies in higher education management in Russia.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):76-83

The authors
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2013;(4):84-85