
Institutional Formation and Development of SCO Activities: Experience of Retrospective Analysis
Porshneva O.S., Razinkov S.L.
Applied Quantitative Analysis of R.T. Erdogan’s Multi-Vector Foreign Policy in 2014-2022
Vokhmintsev I.V., Guzaerov R.I.
Applied Analysis of the Foreign Policy of CIS Countries
Degterev D.A., Degterev A.K., Nikulin M.A., Oganesyan A.L.
The Problem of the “Shiʻa Crescent” in the Middle East: A Quantitative Analysis
Chikrizova O.S., Ivkina N.V.
Challenge of “Decolonisation” and Need for a Comprehensive Redefinition of Neocolonialism
Bovdunov A.L.
French-Armenian Privileged Relationships: an Attempt to Use Applied Analysis
Khachaturyan D.A.
Comparative Analysis of American NGOs in China and Chinese NGOs in the U.S.
Kharkevich M.V., Pisarev I.I., Cheresov V.S., Novogradskaya M.O.
Donald Trump’s Political and Psychological Profile
Aybazova M.M.
Civil Wars, Coup d'Etat, Regime Changes: Foreign Projects of Quantitative Analysis
Kuznetsova A.Y.
European Criticism of China’s Human Rights’ Policy: Political and Ideological Aspects
Litvak N.V., Pomozova N.B.
Possible scenarios for the Ukrainian crisis
Sushentsov A.A., Silaev N.Y.
Russian-Italian Relationship in Humanitarian Sphere and the Sphere of Culture: Methodology of the Analysis
Kleymenova T.N.
Russia in G20: Factors of Success and Objectives for the Future
Larionova M.V.
Peace Studies in Russia: Origins, Current Status and Trends. Interview with Professor Victor A. Kremenyuk, Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Science
Chikrizova O.S.
Western Balkans in the Light of Regional Security Complex Theory
Pejic J.
Comparative Area Studies: Epistemological and Methodological Foundations and a Practical Application
Berg-Schlosser D.
A networks analysis of terrorism in Africa: implications for Kenya
Morumbasi S.K., Amuhaya C.
Priorities of Russian and Chinese Development Cooperation to Asia and Africa: A Comparative Analysis
Degterev D.A., Li Y., Trusova A.A., Cherniaev M.S.
Dynamic Chaos, Conflicts in the Greater Middle East and Global Governance Mechanisms in the XXI Century (Proceedings of PFUR's Expert Seminars and Situational Analysis)
Degterev D.A., Savicheva E.M., Mateva I.M.
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