
Great Powers Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific Region and Its Impact on Vietnam’s Strategy
Nguyen S.T.
China’s Digital Silk Road in the Age of the Digital Economy: Political Analysis
Cheng G.
Strategies for Digital Development of Key States of the Global South in the Context of U.S.-Chinese Technological Rivalry
Stoletov O.V.
The United States - China Rivalry and the BRI
Blanchard J.F.
Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Persia in Russian Social and Political Essays of 1900-1940s
Larionova A.Y.
United States - China Relations: Prospects during Xi - Biden Tenure
Kondapalli S.
The role of the Suez Canal in context of regional security in the Middle East
Savicheva E.M., Turekulova G.E.
Neither a New Cold War nor a New Peloponnesian War: The Emerging Cyber-narrative Competition at the Heart of Sino-American Relations
Smith N.R., Brown R.J.
The Ukraine factor in international security: regional and global levels
Kurylev K.P.
International Dimension of Contemporary U.S. Energy Policy: Challenges for Russia and the World
Borovsky Y.V.
TANAP Gas Pipeline as an Alternative Route to Ensure Energy Security of Europe
Huseynova S.A.
USA and China in Latin America: Contours of Competition
Yakovlev P.P.
Ukrainian Crisis of 2013-2014 and Arab Spring of 2011: Common and Different
Kurylev K.P.
Geopolitical Dimensions of the Syrian Conflict
Wakim J., Kuznetsov A.A.
On Geopolitical Situation in the Middle East: Interaction between Regional and Global Trends
Savicheva E.M.
The Eastern Mediterranean in UAE Foreign Policy: Goals and Principles
Tyukaeva T.I.
Middle Eastern Crisis in the Evaluation of the Iranian Experts and Analytical Circles
Kuznetsov A.A.
0 - 0 of 17 Items

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