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Article considers role of the school course of computer science and its section related to programming in the formation of skills to think logically, the ability to work with abstractions, and readiness for systemic thinking. Existing approaches for bridging the gap between the level of graduate training and the requirements of employers are described. One of the most promising is proposed to be the paradigm of the STEM. Training in the framework of it is focused not only on developing the necessary theoretical knowledge, but on developing practical skills of work with complex technical and information objects from the students, but also on the development of creative, critical and computational thinking. Learning programming is included in the scope of Informatics is an effective way of developing logical and analytical thinking, as based on the study of such basic concepts as algorithmic structures and principles of construction of algorithms. The article focuses on the social aspect of learning programming. The area of computational perspectives includes the skill of outsourcing for tasks. Mastered his disciples formed a group, continuing the joint work in the context of learning other disciplines.

About the authors

E M Kagan

Moscow city pedagogical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: eduard.kagan@yandex.ru

Kagan Eduard Mikhaylovich, graduate student of department of informatics and applied mathematics of institute of mathematics, informatics and natural sciences of the Moscow city pedagogical university.

Sheremetyevskaya str., 29, Moscow, Russia, 127521


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Copyright (c) 2017 Kagan E.M.

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