- Authors: Kornilov V.S.1
- Moscow City Pedagogical University
- Issue: Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 49-58
- URL:
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In article attention to that fact that at students of higher educational institutions of the physical and mathematical and natural-science directions of preparation when training in the reverse tasks for differential equations the mathematical intuition which is an important component of their creative potential develops is paid. The mathematical intuition helps students to comprehend a physical sense of the researched application-oriented task, to select effective methods of mathematical physics for the decision of the reverse task for differential equations.The mathematical intuition of students develops in many respects in case of the decision of different educational jobs. Among such educational jobs: creation of system of integrable equations of the reverse task for differential equations, the proof of the conditional correctness of the decision of the reverse task for differential equations, creation of the difference analog of the reverse task for a differential equation; finding of the numerical decision of the reverse task, the proof of convergence of approximate solution of the reverse task to the exact decision, reasons for the idea of the proof of a correctness (the conditional correctness) of the decision of the reverse task for differential equations, a statement of logical outputs of application-oriented or humanitarian character on the basis of the conducted research of the reverse task and other educational jobs.In the course of such training students create system of fundamental knowledge in the field of the reverse and incorrect tasks, acquire new scientific knowledge in the field of applied and calculus mathematics, but, obviously, and develop a mathematical intuition.
About the authors
Viktor Semenovich Kornilov
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Author for correspondence.
doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, full professor, deputy head of the department of informatization of education
Sheremetjevskaya str., 29, Moscow, Russia, 127521References
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