Vol 20, No 3 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1713
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2023-20-3
Full Issue
Digital economy competencies: experience and stages of formation among university students
Problem statement. In accordance with the goals and indicators of federal projects, the leading role in the formation of key competencies of the digital economy is assigned to institutions of secondary general, vocational and additional education. To form digital competencies in the field of creating algorithms and computer programs, digital departments have been created in a number of universities in the country. Based on this, the problem of the formation of these competencies among students studying in various fields of training, in the absence of a digital department at the university, becomes urgent. The purposes of the study are to analyze the existing experience of students' formation of competencies necessary for the implementation of the national program “Digital economy of the Russian Federation” and formulate proposals for improving this process. Methodology. A set of measures was carried out, including the analysis of educational training programs in order to identify disciplines, the study of which provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop algorithms, create computer programs, theoretical analysis of research in this area and the development of a methodological approach that ensures the formation of digital competencies in the field of creating algorithms and computer programs. Results. The analysis of the process of formation of digital competencies among university students, the theoretical analysis of research on this problem made it possible to identify and disclose the stages of formation of digital competencies in the field of algorithms and computer programs development. Conclusion. The result of the analysis of educational programs of universities was the conclusion about their insufficient focus on the formation of digital competencies of students. Based on the theoretical analysis of research in the field of the formation of competencies for the creation of algorithms and computer programs and their own experience, an approach to the formation of students of this competence is proposed.

Challenges of generative artificial intelligence for the higher education system
Problem statement . The theoretical and technological challenges of using generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the higher education system of the Russian Federation are briefly discussed. Methodology. System-structural and system-activity approaches are used. Content analysis and thematic monitoring of generative АI technologies were carried out, its constructive, cognitive and pedagogical features were revealed. Results. The features of generative AI are analyzed. The digital transformation of education is shown through a rethinking of the key roles of teachers in the digital era in the direction of educational engineering and the development of creative competencies of students. A generalized description of the challenges of generative AI in relation to universities is given. Several possible ways of identifying and neutralizing the use of generative AI by students in the implementation of practical tasks are suggested. The ways of solving the problems of using generative AI for universities are substantiated: a) cloud computing and the use of ready-made models; b) cooperation with industry experts; c) the use of interdisciplinary approaches; d) encouraging experimentation, creativity and team building; e) providing ongoing support and mentoring; f) solving ethical problems of using generative AI in higher education. Conclusion. It is proved that the paradigm of “educational engineering”, including the use of generative AI, focuses on the development of creative design and design competencies of students and teachers.

Teaching artificial intelligence in secondary school: from development to practice
Problem statement . Currently, various global and national institutions promote mainstreaming artificial intelligence (AI) technology into training programs for school students. The effectiveness of introducing artificial intelligence into school curricula depends on four factors: 1) defining methodological foundations for creating educational content; 2) selecting and structuring appropriate learning content; 3) adapting the content to the needs of different age groups; 4) integrating the content into school programs. The current study provides theoretical foundations for generating learning content for AI lessons aimed at secondary school students and determines possible ways of integrating that content into school programs. Methodology. The empirical part of the study involved 225 secondary school students aged 11-14 (forms 5 to 9) as well as 125 teachers from comprehensive schools located in Moscow and the Moscow region. Analysis, synthesis, testing and sampling average methods were used. Results. The authors conducted a pilot testing of the developed educational materials, measured students’ AI-related skill and knowledge and processed the obtained data using the method of selective averages. The theoretical research conducted showed the leadership of artificial intelligence training in primary schools, mechanisms for developing learning outcomes in the field of artificial intelligence for primary school students, the opportunity to reveal the possibility of forming the content of artificial intelligence training based on various approaches. The goals and results of teaching the basics of artificial intelligence within the framework of basic school were determined. The content of training was formulated. Conclusion. The research is characterized by scientific and practical novelty, as it helps determine methodological grounds for teaching AI to secondary school students and proposes a detailed unit plan for an AI training course in secondary school.

Teaching methodology for modeling the activities of company within the discipline “Design of information systems”
Problem statement . The topic of modeling the activity of a company within the discipline “Design of information systems” remains one of the most difficult for students to understand. Students quickly master CASE tools and the syntax of graphic languages, but this is not enough to build correct models. Difficulties are associated with the lack of clear criteria for the correctness of the model and the many alternative solutions. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for teaching modeling, which will allow students to form a deeper understanding of the topic. Methodology . Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Administration. In the experiment took part 79 students of the second year of bachelor's degree in the direction of training 09.03.03 “Applied informatics”. The experiment consisted of an anonymous questionnaire and statistical processing of its results. Results. Based on the analysis of typical mistakes of students, a “worksheet” has been developed, consisting of a number of empirical rules, which is recommended to be issued to students before starting to independently perform the simulation. Students are encouraged to constantly check for compliance of the constructed models with the proposed rules. The results of the experiment showed significant qualitative changes in the implementation of individual projects by students who used the proposed “worksheets”. Conclusion . The use of the described methodology in teaching students of the direction of training 09.03.03 “Applied informatics” within the discipline “Information systems design” provided a more conscious approach of students to modeling and, as a result, more correct performance of tasks.

Moodle calculated questions as a means of testing knowledge and skills
Problem statement. Fraud in the conduct of computer testing is a significant risk factor for incorrect assessment of learning outcomes. Modern technical means (smartphones, smart watches, etc.) allow test-takers to freely use the database of correct answers to the test tasks created during the preparation for the exam or purchased on the side of the database during the control. This circumstance reduces the reliability of computer testing. Methodology. Among the types of testing questions offered by Moodle, calculated tasks with the ability to program the correct answer and random number generators for generating initial data stand out. Such tasks, while maintaining the meaning, allow you to create an almost unlimited number of options for initial data and correct answers. The numerical answer entered from the keyboard is compared with the calculated correct value and a decision is made on the assessment. The capabilities of the built-in programming language of the correct answer, in particular, are limited by the absence of a conditional operator, which narrows the range of possible tasks to be solved. Results. The authors, using the declarative principle of programming, proposed sequences of statements in the built-in programming language of the Moodle computed question that implement the traditional if statement. The proposed method allows you to expand the capabilities of the programming language built into the question, but does not make it universal due to the lack of loop operators. Another type of Moodle test item, “Formulas”, is mentioned. Known methods of its programming provide even more opportunities for creating task options. The results of the experiment are presented. Conclusion. The use of calculated tasks with random input data will reduce the number of cases of fraud during computer testing and will allow, in some cases, to test not only knowledge, but also skills.

Prospects of integration of virtual assistants in the process of teaching speaking to the beginner learners of the Japanese language
Problem statement . Most Japanese textbooks and methodical materials do not contain enough exercises for training productive skills of the students. Japanese Language Proficiency Test also does not include parts dedicated to writing and speaking abilities, which leads to teachers not paying attention to the development of these skills and students not being able to properly evaluate their level of performance. As a method of simplifying and making this training more engaging and motivating, virtual assistants, or intelligent personal assistants (IPA), can be introduced. The purposes of this research are to explore the ways of using the technology of virtual assistants to reenforce speaking performance of the beginner students in Japanese as a foreign language and to evaluate the technology’s readiness for integration. Methodology . In a pedagogical experiment took part 12 first-year students (10 female and 2 male), who attended a Japanese language class at the School of Young Philologist at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, where they used Google Assistant for studying Japanese from December 2021 to April 2022 and then in September 2022. The analysis of theory and methodology, generalization of crucial scientific papers on the studied problem, processing of results were applied. Results. Personal assistant Google Assistant can be advised for training speaking among beginner learners. It can be applied in the form of four main types of exercises: asking for data, giving instructions to IPA, express desires (“wishlist”), conducting a dialog with a robot. Issues that can cause difficulties to students were listed. The results of the questionnaire revealed that students were grateful to have an opportunity to train speaking with a Japanese native speaker in a form of a virtual assistant and could easier track their progress. Conclusion. The use of the Google Assistant in the process of teaching speaking to the beginner learners of the Japanese language at the initial level is seen as highly promising and can be recommended for implementation in the educational process.

Using 3D-modeling to improve the quality of bachelors’ training in the field of socio-cultural activities
Problem statement. The implementation of 3D modeling elements in the in-demand specialists’ training of the socio-cultural sphere is in line with the recommendations of UNESCO and the priorities of Russia’s state cultural policy. The study aimed at substantiating the effectiveness of the three-dimensional computer graphics usage for specialists’ training to improve the quality of their education. Methodology . Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization of fundamental scientific works on the research problem, processing of test results, and three-dimensional models of cultural objects are applied. The pedagogical experiment involved 49 students of the direction of training 51.03.03 Socio-cultural Activities (level - bachelor’s degree) of Orel State Institute of Culture. Pearson’s χ2 test was used as a statistical processing method. Results . The features of the use of three-dimensional computer graphics in the training of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere to improve the quality of their training are determined: activation of information communication; support for solving economic and engineering problems as components of socio-cultural activities; automation of a large number of calculations, etc. Statistically significant differences in qualitative changes in the pedagogical system were revealed. Conclusion . The use of three-dimensional computer graphics in the training of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere will help to increase the level of their professional training while providing a set of conditions: a combination of design, educational and research activities; orientation to the performance of labor functions; application of fundamental theoretical information on technologies for organizing leisure activities in real socio-cultural activities, etc.

Satisfaction with the quality of distance education at a medical university during quarantine measures
Problem statement . During the COVID-19 pandemic, basic medical education, traditionally strictly full-time, has been remote for a full academic year. This required significant changes in the structure of approaches to learning, which led to certain features in its quality and personal perception by the subjects of the educational process. The purpose of the study is to develop an approach to improving distance medical education based on data on the satisfaction of the subjects of the educational process. Methodology. Data from the Medical University Semey (MUS) and the Shakarim University Semey (USh) was analysed. The respondents were 450 students of the 4-6th courses of the MUS and 385 students of the 4-5th courses of the USh. A survey was carried out on 98 members of the teaching staff (TS) of the MUS and 105 members of the USh who participated in distance learning programs for the 2020-2021 academic year. Results. MUS students noted the insufficient activity of the teaching staff, the shortcomings of the existing methodological support, and problems of communication on the part of the student prevailed. In USh, the key problems were the lack of communications and equipment, insufficient activity and readiness of the teaching staff. In the opinion of the teachers of both universities, there was insufficient activity of students. The dishonesty of students was also noted. More significant in the medical school was the lack of training of teachers for the implementation of distance learning. Conclusion. Satisfaction of students and teachers with distance learning during COVID-19 remained high, but had problems related to both material and human resources.