Vol 19, No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 5
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1529
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2022-19-1
Full Issue
The pyramid method in the conditions of the digitalization of education
Problem statement. The digital transformation of education necessitates new approaches to the development of digital educational resources, the design of educational and scientific projects. They should provide a high degree of personification of training, structure the processes of organizing, monitoring and assessing the quality of educational products and results. In the process of digitalization of education, the goals of the educational system are expanding. In this regard, the work is devoted to the substantiation of the pyramid method for solving educational problems that meet the modern requirements of a digital society. Methodology. The analysis of the pyramid method, developed by Barbara Minto, used in the design of roadmaps for business development and contributing to the development of structural thinking, as one of the most sought-after qualities of a modern specialist, made it possible to highlight a number of advantages and benefits in the case of transformation of this method to solve educational problems. In particular, the method is convenient for the development of educational content in the format of a pyramidal tree of knowledge, for the formation of clear plans and assignments for students on the topics of coursework and diploma works, for monitoring and assessing the quality of educational results, complex systems and objects. Results. Examples of using the pyramid method for creating inverted educational resources, increasing interactivity during lectures and practical classes, organizing control and self-control of students’ knowledge, monitoring and assessing the quality of educational resources and objects are shown. Conclusion. The pyramid method facilitates the process of creating digital educational resources that correspond to the maximum extent to the characteristics of the modern generation and satisfy the principles of personification of learning. Its mastering and application in educational activities by the students themselves contributes to the development of their structural thinking.

Digital transformation: basic approaches to defining the notion
Problem statement. Changes in society in connection with the diversity of the use of information and communication technologies, has led to the active use of the concept of “digital transformation.” A complex polysemic notion describes a multifactorial phenomenon, which necessitates an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the concept’s content. Methodology. This study used bibliometric analysis of the Russian electronic database with built-in analysis tools. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of open sources on the topic of “Digitalization of education” were analyzed using closed search systems and machine analysis of large texts, such as Microsoft Academic Graph and Dimensions.ai. Content analysis and thematic monitoring were carried out using the keywords “digitalization of education,” “digital transformation,” and “digital transformation of higher education.” The assessment of the level of interest in this topic was carried out according to the statistics of queries using the wordstat.ru resource. Results. The term “digital transformation” analyzed in a broad context. Digital transformation is defined using philosophical and cultural approaches. The axiological approach sets a broad framework for discussion and requires additional research. Conclusion. A sample of both Russian and foreign works on the problem of digital transformation was made using various means of statistical analysis. Three approaches to the analysis of digital transformation are considered, definitions are formulated and the need to study the transformation of education using an anthropological approach is substantiated.

Research of the accessibility of Russian universities websites for persons with visual disabilities
Problem statement. Nowadays the demand for university websites has increased. According to the law, versions for visually impaired have been introduced on educational sites in Russia. The research objective is to evaluate accessibility of sites and quality of versions for visually impaired (mainly in an automatic way), and to identify the best way to implement such solutions and to create accessible sites in general. Methodology. A software system for collecting metrics from websites in two versions - a normal and for visually impaired users - has been developed. Quantitative metrics based on the HTML code of home- pages and visual analysis of homepages screenshots are compared. Metrics were also received by manual testing. Results. Data from 571 universities websites with open access to files was observed. The correlation analysis of metrics was carried out. The quality of versions for visually impaired was assessed, recommendations were made for technical implementation and a standard set of settings for panel of version for visually impaired users. Statistics of used ready-made solutions, as well as website development tools, was collected. Conclusion. An idea has appeared about current issues in the field of accessibility of educational sites in Russia, and about what can be used to evaluate and developing of accessible sites. The recommendations can be used as one of the guidelines for developing or checking versions for visually impaired.

Constatation of the teachers’ competence areas in general education
Problem statement. The article presents experimental data on the teachers’ competence areas. Methodology. The investigative approach of the continuous professional training was based on a complex, applied research strategy that combines both quantitative and qualitative methods of investigation. Results. The conducted analysis identified teachers’ competence areas in continuous professional training such as relational competence, teaching-learning competence, managerial competence, design and planning competence, specialized cognitive competence, and evaluation and monitoring competence. The article presents experimental data of the pedagogical experiment conducted with 888 subjects divided into two samples: the training sample (441 subjects) and the control sample (447 subjects). Conclusion. The framework for assessing teachers’ competence areas served as a basis for identifying teachers’ competence areas, which contains the following components: evaluation criteria, performance levels, performance indicators, degree of evaluation and descriptors.

Development of students’ scientific knowledge on computer modeling while teaching inverse problems for differential equations
Problem statement. Currently, the higher school provides students of physical and mathematical training areas with fundamental subject knowledge, forms professional competencies, develops creative abilities and creativity, teaches them to use modern computer technologies to solve applied problems. One of such academic disciplines, in which students are taught to use computer technologies in solving applied mathematical problems, is a training course called “Inverse problems for differential equations.” Such an academic discipline has been taught in some Russian universities in the form of elective courses since the 70s of the 20th century. The educational material of this training course includes advanced research results on inverse problems belonging to specialists from different countries, such as Germany, Italy, China, Sweden, Netherlands, Russia, Japan and other foreign countries. During the practical classes, much attention is paid to the use of computer simulation for the study of such applied problems. This circumstance implies the development of educational materials taking into account the professional training of university students, in which attention should be paid to the use of computer modeling in solving mathematical models of inverse problems. Methodology. The implementation of training of university students in physical and mathematical areas of training involves taking into account modern scientific achievements of world science in the field of inverse problems using computer simulation and implementing advanced pedagogical technologies in the classroom. Results. Students acquire scientific knowledge of computer modeling and master the wide possibilities of computer modeling in the study of inverse problems. Conclusion. The presence of scientific knowledge in the field of computer simulation and practical experience of its application for solving inverse problems gives students great advantages and opportunities to be successful specialists in the field of applied mathematics and to be in demand on the labor market in various spheres of human activity.