Vol 18, No 3 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1509
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2021-18-3
Full Issue
Using technologies to design personalized learning pathways as a part of scientific practice of students
Problem and goal. The article deals with the process of designing the high school internship program of the ITMO University’s Information Chemistry Center by using information and communications technology (ICT). The program development process involved following stages: client briefing, exploratory study, hypotheses-formation processes and its testing, custom development, learning experience design and project defense. Methodology. The high school students’ views about the Infochemistry Internship Program were analyzed. Authors conducted in-depth interviews with respondents and retrieved information about students’ scientific achievements, challenges and recommendations for improving the internship program. During the exploratory research stage the high school internship programs of Russian and foreign universities in the field of biology, chemistry, physics and IT were studied. The initial sample was composed of Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC), Stanford University Science Circle, Harvard University Summer School (Pre-College Program), Chemistry Research Academy of University of Pennsylvania. Three types of scientific practices - summer camp or summer school, university science circle and a research academy - were identified. Results. The authors emphasized that there is not a single high school internship program in the field of chemistry in Russia like at IMTO University. This immerse education program is based on laboratory learning that allows students experience chemistry principles under the guidance of leading scientists. The concept of the program based on the science education model. It involves the personalized learning pathway, scaffolding activities, and participation in the research project. Flexible learning pathway is the core of the program that includes various levels of personalization: project, scaffolding means, pace of learning, educational content, educational result. To prove the importance of using ICT and social media in educational process authors found the results of the research conducted by University College Dublin and University of Melbourne. Conclusion. The paper has highlighted the significance of revamping internship programs, identified the most common types of scientific practices and proved the importance of selected program principles.

Choosing a project topic by students in the development and implementation of it projects
Problem and goal. The theoretical approaches and main stages of work from the point of view of design thinking, as well as the experience of choosing topics and developing IT projects by students in grades 10-11, are presented. Methodology. The methodological basis of the work was the analysis of the design thinking method, which is presented in the works of R. Kyudale, O. Kempkens, G. Andreev, A.S. Krotova and A.A. Barkov. Approaches to the use of the design thinking method in the development of an IT project by a schoolchild are formulated, their brief characteristics and the tools used are given. As tools of the design thinking method at different stages of project development, the following are used: analysis of existing solutions, similar situations, insights from opinion leaders, analysis of artifacts, interviews, swot analysis, five “Why?”, the method of focal objects, scamper, etc. Results. In the process of working on the project, students in grades 10-11 use the tools of design thinking in their activities. The result of the work is an IT project of students “Smart Pomodoro Timer”. Conclusion. In order to introduce the method of design thinking into the joint work of a teacher and a student on an IT project into practice, it is necessary to develop a system of advanced training for teachers in terms of developing practical skills in using design thinking tools for effective process management. In addition, develop the creative potential of teachers and students in the context of the digital transformation of education and attract specialists from different fields (designers, software developers, data analysts, etc.).

Relevance, criteria and factors of cluster regional differentiation of students in the framework of informatization of cross-border education
Problem and goal. This article, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, reveals the need to study the feasibility and possibility of dividing foreign students into regional clusters for the subsequent differentiation of methods and teaching materials within the framework of the development of approaches to the informatization of cross-border education. Methodology. A series of ascertaining experiments was carried out with students of the specialty “Economics” from Zambia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries, aimed at identifying differences in educational motivation, reflection and other characteristics of cross-border students. A model of approaches to informatization of cross-border education based on cluster differentiation is proposed. Results. A system of clusters was proposed, the expediency of introducing the described complex of criteria and factors, illustrated by the example of highlighting previous educational experience as one of the significant criteria for cluster regional differentiation of students, was substantiated. Conclusion. Students from different countries have different motivation, experience and perception of information, in many respects this is facilitated by school education. There is a need to find a balance between co-operative and differentiated education of cross-border students. Cluster differentiation of cross-border students is advisable for the subsequent use of information technologies in the framework of ensuring the variability of methodological systems of teaching individual disciplines at a university.

Assessment of the effectiveness of the electronic educational environment “Moodle” by the cadets of the higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Problem and goal. The beginning of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic led to the widespread transition of universities in the country and around the world to distance learning. The analysis of available studies in Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and other countries of the world allowed to conclude that there are insufficient comparisons of assessments of the use of distance education technologies before the coronavirus pandemic and after its first waves. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of assessing the capabilities of the electronic information educational environment “Moodle” in the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia before and during COVID-19. Methodology. A comparison of the results of a survey among cadets of the Ryazan branch of the Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2017 and 2021 was made. Results. The empirical study revealed that after the first two waves of the pandemic and the gradual return to a more traditional full-time form of education among the cadets there are no those who rarely use the Moodle. The number of positive assessments of the effectiveness of using the Moodle and its impact on reducing the time spent on studying has increased. The article explains the identified request of students to improve the means of distance learning, in particular, in the direction of reducing complexity, increasing entertainment, reducing the time for checking materials. Conclusion. Working in an electronic information educational environment has become familiar to students, and they have come to realize the need to solve small problems. There is an ingrained understanding of the inevitability of introducing elements of distance learning into full-time education.

Realization of the scientific and cognitive potential of teaching university students to inverse and incorrect problems in the context of informatization of education
Problem and goal . Since the mid-50s of the 20th century, both Russian and foreign scientists began to actively conduct, and, at present, scientific research on inverse and incorrectly posed problems is being successfully carried out. Often, research on inverse and incorrect problems is carried out jointly by Russian and foreign experts. At present, the results of joint research by specialists on inverse and incorrect problems from Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Sweden, Japan and other countries are discussed at various thematic international scientific conferences and are subsequently published on the pages of scientific Russian and foreign journals. Many such publications can be found in the electronic libraries of scientific publications elibrary.ru, “CyberLeninka”, in the bibliographic and abstract database “Scopus” and other bibliographic and abstract databases. The wide availability of such bibliographic and abstract electronic databases allows the teacher who teaches students inverse and incorrect problems to keep abreast of modern scientific achievements in the scientific world and to form the content of a variety of elective courses, including modern mathematical methods and approaches to researching inverse and incorrect problems. When teaching inverse and incorrect problems, the teacher must realize the goals and objectives of not only the formation of deep scientific subject knowledge in students, but also the identification of the scientific and cognitive potential of such training. Methodology. Realization of the scientific and cognitive potential of teaching university students inverse and incorrect problems using computer technologies. Results. Understanding the scientific and cognitive potential of inverse and incorrect problems, their relationship with applied aspects, the ability to use computer technologies in the study of applied problems will allow students, after graduating from an educational institution, to prove themselves as a successful specialist in applied mathematics in general, and in inverse and incorrect problems, in particular. Conclusion. Graduates who have acquired solid knowledge of inverse and incorrect problems, possess modern scientific methods of their research developed by specialists from different countries of the world, understand the scientific and cognitive potential of inverse and incorrect problems, and possess the skills of independent selection of effective information technologies for solving applied mathematical problems will successfully work in research organizations and independently conduct applied research.

Information technologies in corporate training: trends and approaches
Problem and goal. Within the framework of the study, based on the data of the “Workplace Learning Report” study, specialists from the USA, Canada and other countries, the transformation of corporate training over the past decades was analyzed, the main problems and challenges of companies/enterprises in the process of additional professional training of employees and ways to solve them were identified. The main problems of corporate training at the present time, as in the past, include budget deficit and search for free intervals in the schedules of employees for educational sessions. And the solution was the growth of online training, the use of online platforms, which made it easier to find time in the schedule of employees for training, create opportunities for flexible editing of educational content, and for managers it was easier to evaluate additional professional training thanks to the control tools built into online platforms. Methodology. However, it turned out that not all age categories of employees are ready to expand online training: older age workers prefer traditional or mixed training, as opposed to young people. Results. The study found that the degree of digitalization correlates with the size of the company: the comparative effectiveness of digital tools for additional professional education increases with the scale of the system in which they are applied: a deployed digital educational platform requires very few resources to expand to new branches and employees, rather than classical educational formats that require personal participation of teaching staff. Conclusion. The main trends in the development of corporate training in the coming years are described.

Formation of content modules for teaching artificial intelligence in the basic school
Problem and goal. The problem of insufficient substantive provision of training of primary school students in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is considered. The goal is to identify and describe the basic didactic elements within the content modules, as well as to identify the intrasubject and intersubject connections that are realized in the course of teaching the elements of AI in the main school. Methodology. A set of methods was used: analysis of international experience (USA, China, England, Germany, Israel, Russia); analysis of documents defining requirements for the implementation of basic educational programs; analysis of textbooks; research of ready-made software solutions applicable in the process of teaching the basics of AI to primary school students; reflection of the content of the knowledge gained. Results. The study made it possible to identify learning opportunities in the field of AI for students starting from grade 5, regardless of the availability of teaching hours allocated for compulsory informatics education, due to the variability of general education. An analysis of informatics textbooks for basic school showed that teaching the basics of AI should be implemented taking into account intrasubject connections with informatics. This approach will make it possible to carry out a supporting, expanding or propaedeutic function of teaching AI elements in relation to the main course of informatics. In the process of forming meaningful modules for teaching the elements of AI to primary school students, starting from grade 5, didactic elements were identified, the development of which must be organized taking into account interdisciplinary connections with general education disciplines. The content of educational material in the field of AI should be mastered through the most expedient types of activity in the context of the system-activity approach, which will allow to form personally significant knowledge and skills of students, to develop their creative abilities. Conclusion. The results of the study made it possible to substantiate the expediency of teaching the elements of AI to primary school students, starting from grade 5. Various options for including in the basic school curriculum issues related to the basics of AI, taking into account the existing experience of teaching schoolchildren in the field of informatics, were identified.