Some aspects of vocational guidance of youth in the conditions of society informatization
- Authors: Lukin VV1, Lyubimova EA2
- State university of management
- Department of municipal service and personnel administrations of the city district Balashikha
- Issue: No 2 (2014)
- Pages: 19-23
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- Retraction date: 18.10.2018
- Retraction reasons description:
The reason for publication retraction is the identification of incorrect co-authorship and duplication of the content of the article. Lukin V.V. Psychological diagnosis ofvocational orientation of young people / V.V. Lukin, E.V. Tikhonov // Demand and supplyin the labor market and the market foreducational services. - Sb. scientific tr. -Petrozavodsk. 2005. -C.156-163. In the RSCI is absent. In the Internet:
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About the authors
V V Lukin
State university of managementChair of sociology of management
E A Lyubimova
Department of municipal service and personnel administrations of the city district Balashikha
Referentsky department