Inclusive education in higher school of Russian Federation and People's Republic of China: formation of conditions in the digital environment for persons with disabilities at work with laboratory equipment


Problem statement. Education is an integral part of a person's cultural and professional development. In this respect, the challenges of making the learning process accessible and at the same time maintaining a high level of educational quality are relevant today. Terminologically, inclusive education covers a wide range of issues, but the key issue is the question of accessibility of education for different social groups. The priority task of the present study is defined in the plane of identifying the working conditions for persons with disabilities (PWD) studying in universities in natural and technical directions, with laboratory equipment due to the exceptional importance of laboratory workshops in the system of professional training of future specialists. The study is aimed at substantiating the targeted use of digital technologies in the educational process, in particular, in the organization of work of persons with disabilities in the context of their performance of laboratory workshops. Methodology. By the method of quantitative and statistical analysis the relevance of the search for system solutions that define an accessible educational environment for persons with disabilities in the framework of professional training of future specialists of natural and technical profiles is outlined. The theoretical model of organizing the accessibility of the educational process in the framework of laboratory practicals for persons with disabilities in the digital environment is proposed. Results. The theoretical model of inclusive education in higher education in Russian Federation and People's Republic of China for the organization of analog implementation of laboratory workshops by persons with disabilities in a digital educational environment has been developed. The necessity of integration of digital tools into the educational process, requiring systematic training of persons with disabilities in natural-technical directions, which include in the content of their curricula the realization of laboratory workshops. The key importance in the selection and further implementation of digital technologies in the educational process in the plane of creating conditions for working with laboratory equipment is determined around the individual needs of students with disabilities. Conclusion. The relevance and applied significance of the theoretical model of the variant digital environment are substantiated, as well as a list of recommendations for the use of such a model in terms of its target orientation on the accessibility of the educational process for students with health peculiarities and studying in natural-technical profiles.

About the authors

Daniil D. Dobromirov

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7981-8873

PhD student, Department of Comparative Educational Policy

6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation

Rongwei Wu

Southeast University

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-4006-1288

teaching assistant, School of Education

Jiulonghu Campus, 2 Southeast University Road, Nanjing, Jiangning District, 211189, People's Republic of China


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