Implementation of virtual reality technologies for professional and personal development of students

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Problem statement. Today, virtual reality technologies are actively and systematically used only in the field of various entertainments, despite their enormous educational potential, which is insufficiently used in the system of educating students. Experimental study is aimed at filling this gap through the introduction of virtual technologies into the process of professional-personal development of students. The goal of the research is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove the effectiveness of introducing virtual reality technologies to increase the level of professional and individual development of students in various areas of undergraduate training. Methodology. In the experiment took part 118 students from psychological-pedagogical, socio-cultural and engineering areas of undergraduate training. All participating in the experiment carried out blended learning: some subjects were taught in a classroom in a full-time format, and some disciplines were taught remotely using video conferencing on the Telegram platform and virtual reality technologies on the Mootup and Vive Sync platforms. Results. Virtual reality technologies are an effective means for the holistic professional and personal development of students. In the context of the activity-behavioral and cognitive-reflexive components, the highest rates of increasing the number of students at high and situational levels of development were recorded. The smallest experimental impact was recorded on the motivational-axiological component of students’ professional and personal development. A more detailed analysis of the obtained comparative data after the implementation of the experimental work showed that the author’s development had a more significant impact on students of engineering areas of professional training, compared to students of other undergraduate profiles. Conclusion. The use of virtual communication has made distance learning more attractive and focused for students, greatly facilitating the exchange of information, knowledge, values and views, and making this process more natural, as in real classes.

About the authors

Roman S. Nagovitsyn

Glazov State University of Engineering and Pedagogical named after V.G. Korolenko; Kazan State Institute of Culture

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4471-0875

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and MBD, Glazov State University of Engineering and Pedagogical named after V.G. Korolenko; Professor of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Pedagogy, Kazan State Institute of Culture

25 Pervomayskaya St, Glazov, 427621, Russian Federation; 3 Orenburgsky Trakt, Kazan, 420059, Russian Federation

Ramis S. Alimov

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

graduate student, Department of Water Supply and Sanitation 1 Zelenaya St, Kazan, 420043, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2024 Nagovitsyn R.S., Alimov R.S.

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