- Authors: Grinshkun AV1, Levchenko IV1
- Moscow City Pedagogical University
- Issue: Vol 14, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 267-272
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/article/view/16925
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2017-14-3-267-272
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The article discusses the need for and possibility of augmented reality technologies in teaching the course of computer science primary school, as well as the appropriateness of applying this technology in learning the subjects of Informatics that are traditionally difficult to understand and study student’s due to a lack of Visual learning tools. In conditions of informatization of education it is necessary to further improve methodical learning system course Informatics in primary school through evidence-based implementation of augmented reality technologies within specific approaches. The article offered two approaches to creating and using Visual learning tools Informatics using augmented reality technologies in primary school. The first approach is the creation of virtual models displayed on the material out of a real object. The second approach is the creation of a virtual information layer on a real object. Each of the approaches highlighted scope and limitation of use. This article provides examples of Visual teaching tools developed and training tasks in the framework of the proposed approaches, which are invariant in nature and do not depend on specific tools and technical implementation.
About the authors
A V Grinshkun
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: grinshkunav@mgpu.info
Grinshkun Aleksander Vadimovich, assistant professor department of informatization of education Moscow city Pedagogical University.
Sheremetjevskaya str., 29, Moscow, Russia, 127521I V Levchenko
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Email: levchenkoiv@mgpu.ru
Levchenko Irina Vitalievna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, full professor, professor of the department of Informatics and applied mathematics Moscow city Pedagogical University.
Sheremetjevskaya str., 29, Moscow, Russia, 127521References
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