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In article the processes proceeding at the organization and carrying out video experts which are subject to modeling are opened requirements to modeling of the organization and carrying out pedagogical video experts are formulated.The order and structure of information exchange between organizers pedagogical video experts during preparation and between its participants are stated during. Development of pourochny planning for the period of passing pedagogical video experts according to the training program, thematic and pourochny planning of the teacher of basic school is discussed. Modeling of the organization and carrying out pedagogical video experts with use of a network educational resource of the organization is analyzed. Requirements to process of modeling of the organization and carrying out pedagogical video experts decide on use of a network educational resource of the organization and development of model.

About the authors

K M Korneev

New Petrovsky high comprehensive school

Author for correspondence.

teacher of NewPetrovsky high educational school of the selо «Novopetrovskoe» of the Istra district of the Moscow region

Polevaja str., 7, selo Novopetrovskoe, Istrinskij rajon, Moscow region, Russia, 143570


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