RUDN Journal of Public Administration
Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir G. Ivanov, Dr.Sci. (Political science), Associate Professor
ISSN: 2312-8313 (Print) ISSN: 2411-1228 (Online)
Founded in 2014.Publication frequency: quarterly.
Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge
Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English
PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)
Journal History
Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, Cyberleninka, Dimensions, East View, ResearchBib, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs
The scientific journal "RUDN Journal of Public Administration" - a specialized scientific publication, founded in late 2013.
The mission of the journal is to facilitate the scientific development of public administration as well as to create a platform for discussing interdisciplinary and practice-oriented perspectives in the field of public administration.
On the pages of the journal there are created an ability to discuss the main ideas and problems of public administration, analysis of current issues of public administration, the theoretical understanding of the trends and prospects of development of local government, synthesis of international practice and experience of public administration and management, lighting modern trends of development of higher professional education in the field of public administration, etc.
The main headings of the journal are as follows: "Theory and Practice of Public Administration", "Foreign Experience of Management", "Formation and development of local government", "Culture of management", "Anthology of Public Administration" and etc.
The journal is meant for scientists and researchers, officials in the sphere of public administration, and for a wide range of readers interested in problems and perspectives of public administration in Russian Federation.
The editorial board of the journal includes leading scientists and experts of international and national level in the field of state and municipal management.
Current Issue
Vol 11, No 3 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 11
- URL:
- DOI:
Full Issue
Special aspects of the transformation of the Russian tax system in contemporary conditions
Taxation problems are traditionally relevant. Currently, this issue is becoming even more relevant due to the need to transform the Russian tax system, considering the need to ensure sustainable economic development. The issues of tax reform for both individuals and legal entities are considered by many researchers, however, some aspects have not been sufficiently studied and covered in the specialized scientific literature. In particular, the presented work examines the possibilities of using tax incentives to involve individuals more actively in investment processes. Proposals for the implementation of these measures are presented. The research also discusses some of the most relevant areas of tax administration that need to be actively developed in the near future.

The image of a political entity in the regional dimension: The specifics of formation and peculiarities of perception by public opinion
The research identifies key problems in the field of correcting and maintaining the image of a political subject in the mass media and deepens the differentiation of concepts from the sphere of political image. Practical recommendations are offered for optimizing strategies and technologies for improving the image characteristics of a political subject using PR communications, visual and verbal components available in the arsenal of practical politicians, which are offered to them by moderators of political image-making processes at the regional level. The results of the study can be used to effectively build the image of a regional politician and develop an image strategy and tactics within the framework of electoral cycles. The factual material, theoretical provisions and conclusions proposed by the authors of the research can be used in teaching elective courses related to political science issues. The results of the study can also be useful in the cultural and educational activities of participants in election campaigns and those interested in the regional political process in modern Russia.

Digital technologies in shaping the image of the political elite of Saint Petersburg
Analyzing the modern trend of “digitalization” in various spheres of contemporary social life, the authors considered its applications in order to form the image of the political elite of Saint Petersburg in the person of representatives of the legislative power of the city - the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg. This analysis is important for the construction of competent and relevant communication with the public, as well as in the formation of the trend for openness and transparency of communication between the authorities and the population. Moreover, the authors explore how digital tools and platforms can enhance civic engagement and participation, providing a framework for understanding the dynamics of power and accountability in the digital age. The findings underscore the necessity for political representatives to adapt to technological advancements to foster trust and collaboration with constituents, ultimately contributing to a more informed and engaged society.

Main trends in the development of language policy of Russia
The research is devoted to the coverage of the essence and role of the language policy of Russia at the present stage of development of the state. The author notes that international and domestic historical experience proves the decisive role of the linguistic factor in ensuring stable political development and tangible improvement in the country’s social sphere. The constituent elements of the trends in ensuring the effective system of regulation and development of language policy in the Russian Federation are: the study of the language situation, codification of language norms, determination of the basic principles and ways to improve language policy, as well as the practical implementation of the goals of the policy and the planned program of the state actions in the framework of ensuring national unity.

Explorative analysis of the impact of radio media on the development of critical media literacy
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of radio media on the development of media literacy among students studying the basics of radio broadcasting. The relevance of the topic is driven by the need to prepare young people for life in an information society, where critical information evaluation plays a key role. The research explores the potential of radio media as a tool for enhancing media literacy and provides recommendations for educational institutions on integrating radio broadcasting technologies into their curricula.

Storytelling and pedagogical mastery in the context of prevocational media education
This study emphasizes the importance of incorporating storytelling and creative writing courses into pre-professional media education programs, not only as tools for developing literary skills but also as essential components of students’ overall intellectual and creative growth. It highlights the need for more structured and institutionalized literary education in Russia, where such programs are often underdeveloped. In addition to analyzing current teaching methods for both children and adults, the research explores how creative writing can serve as an asset in shaping students’ professional paths, fostering critical thinking, and enhancing their ability to communicate effectively. The study offers new perspectives on existing pedagogical models, suggesting innovative practices that could improve both engagement and learning outcomes in media education.

Synergetic effect of SMM management in the context of media education environment formation: Strategies and trends
This research explores the impact of SMM management on the formation of a media education environment in educational organizations, using the “Media сlass in Moscow school” project as an example. The analysis covers SMM strategies, including the use of various content formats, collaborations, live broadcasts, and situational marketing. A synergistic effect was identified, resulting in increased audience engagement and improved educational outcomes by integrating educational and marketing goals. The research results demonstrate that the successful application of SMM strategies fosters the creation of an interactive, motivating educational environment, which in turn enhances students’ digital literacy and media competencies. The significance of this study lies in identifying the key success factors for SMM in education, which can assist educational institutions in effectively utilizing social media to improve the learning process.

Media and сompetencies: A new perspective on training specialists in mass communications
This study addresses the key challenges in training media education specialists in response to the rapidly evolving media landscape and the increasing role of digital technologies. It aims to provide recommendations for updating educational programs to meet the demands of the modern labor market. The research explores current media trends and identifies the core competencies required by employers, such as technical skills, critical thinking, and content creation. By analyzing educational programs from leading institutions worldwide, the study offers insights into curriculum design, teaching methods, and the integration of practical experience, ultimately aiming to improve media education for future professionals.

Educational policy and management strategies in the development of digital skills and media competencies in teacher training: New approaches to education
The study analyzes the need to integrate digital skills and media competencies into the process of teacher training. It has been found that modern educational programs often do not meet the requirements of the digital era, necessitating their updating and the introduction of courses on digital literacy. The results highlight the importance of continuous professional development for teachers and the adaptation of educational standards to rapidly changing technological conditions.

Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of defense and security: Achievements, challenges, managerial aspects
The study examines cooperation between Russia and China in the field of ensuring the state defense and security in the context of contemporary military threats. The authors paid particular attention to the joint practical measures that allow developing Russian-Chinese cooperation in the military-political sphere and military-technical interaction. The authors analyze the managerial aspects of interaction and cooperation between the two countries in the field of state defense and security. The authors conclude that cooperation between Russia and China is becoming increasingly credible in the contemporary turbulent world, and determines the stability of Russian-Chinese relations, which indicates a high level of interaction.

“Alternative for Germany” against German trade unions: A political “right hook”
The study examines the problems of German trade unions related to the ongoing confrontation with the young party of the right-wing spectrum “Alternative for Germany” for several years. Despite the fact that the AfD is an irreconcilable ideological opponent of trade unions, their members show sympathy for the party. The severity of the situation is due not only to the fact that more than a tenth of supporters of professional associations support the AfD in elections, but also to the fact that, as a percentage, trade union members vote more actively for this party than the average German voter. The reasons for the growth of right-wing sentiments among the class of employees are considered. The methods used by trade unions in the ideological struggle are shown, up to direct prohibitions for their supporters on parallel membership in the AfD. In this situation, the trade unions have clearly demonstrated themselves as an independent political actor, but, in our opinion, they have become the losing side in the fight against the AfD. The authors complement existing approaches to the study of the problems of the functioning of German trade unions in the political process in Germany.