Vol 15, No 3 (2023): The Man of Antiquity in public and private life


Hoplitodromos - the category of ancient Greek athletics

Gvozdeva T.B.


The purpose of the study is to find out whether the hoplitodromos, or hoplite race, was more of a military or sporting event, whether the nature of this agon was associated with its late introduction into the program of the Panhellenic games, and whether the rules for its organization differed in Panhellenic and local competitions. On the basis of written sources and data from Attic vase painting, the author shows that there were different types of weapons of the participants in the run - heavy and light, and also that over time the “full” weapons of the hoplite - helmet, greaves, shield - change, retaining only the shield. Despite the widespread opinion in the scientific literature that the hoplitоdromos belonged to “military” competitions, the author comes to the conclusion that the nature of the run was determined by the type of games. And if at local games this agon was often associated with the aition of the festival, for example, with the military exploits of Athena on Panathenaia or the anniversary of the Battle of Plataea on Eleutheria, then at Panhellenic competitions, such as the Olympic Games, the military nature of the run was transformed into a reconstruction, thereby acquiring the nature of an entertaining spectacle.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):318-329
pages 318-329 views

The motif of chariot races in the Ionian art at the turn of the 6th and 5th centuries BC

Nenakhova M.N.


At the turn of the VI - V centuries BC in the funerary art and temple terracotta decoration of the cities of Asia Minor, the motif of chariot races appears. Moreover, these monuments demonstrate an impressive stylistic similarity. The author of the article tried to establish the reason for the persistent appeal to one plot by the Ionian masters in the cult and funeral spheres for a short period of time. Since the horse and chariot agons were associated with Poseidon, the author connects the mentioned plot with the sanctuary of Poseidon Heliconius at Cape Mycale. According to the hypothesis proposed by the author, chariot races were associated not only with the cult of Poseidon, but also with the Panionian games in honor of the god of the seas. This connection, according to the author, was reflected in the temple friezes depicting chariot races, which served as an important visual reference to the cult that united the member cities of the Ionian Union.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):330-339
pages 330-339 views

Why did the Romans need Venus Erucina?

Kvashnin V.A.


The study is devoted to the origins of the cult of Venus of Eryx, whose temple was erected on the Capitol during the Hannibal War. After analyzing the sources, the author studied both the specific historical context of the establishment of a new cult, and the connection of the new deity with various hypostases of Venus, which became widespread in the territory of ancient Italy. The author associated the creation of the cult of Venus Erucina, firstly, with victories during the struggle between Rome and Carthage and, secondly, with an attempt to integrate Rome into the cultural space of the Greek world, since Venus was identified with Aphrodite. The scientific novelty of the undertaken study lies in the fact that the author, taking into account the famous senatusconsultum on bacchanalia, put forward a hypothesis about the conduct in 186-184 BC by the Porcii clan and their allies, a kind of religious reform, which made it possible, on the one hand, to preserve the Greek traditions of the veneration of Venus of Eryx, and on the other hand, to “cleanse” the cult of Venus Capitoline from foreign influences.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):340-346
pages 340-346 views


The rights and obligations of leasers-farmers in Attica of the second half of the IV century BC. according to the lease agreements of sacred lands

Bulycheva E.V.


The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the range of rights and obligations of farmers-tenants of sacred lands (temenos) in Attica in the second half of the 4th century BC on the basis of epigraphic material. In modern historiography, there are no special works devoted to this problem. At the same time, the study of the legal status of the tenant farmer is of great importance for understanding the nature of land relations in Attica in the 4th century BC. Having studied the temenos lease agreements, the author characterized the legal status of tenant farmers, considering in detail their rights and obligations. The author’s conclusions: in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement, the tenant farmers personally cultivated the sacred lands, while their rights and obligations were clearly fixed in the temenos lease agreements.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):249-257
pages 249-257 views

Conflicts in Roman Land Law in the Era of the Empire

Gvozdeva I.A.


The purpose of this study is to examine agriculture of the Ancient Rome from the point of view of the development of judicial proceedings in this branch. During the period of transition from the Republic to the Empire several systems of land surveying were formed in Rome, which contributed to the improvement of land management. In the centuriation system the categories of land ownership and possession were most clearly defined. The task of this study is to show how in land disputes (controversies) there was a change of the archaic legal procedure to the formulary one, characteristic of the preclassical period. However, it is the analysis of controversies that reveals the peculiarity of Roman agriculture, in which the archaic features in legal proceedings not only persist for a long time but also linger until the classical period of Ius Civile. Such controversies as “de loco”, “de fine”, “de proprietate” were conducted using the archaic verb litigo (including the classical period). But at the same time, in the pre-classical legal proceedings the verb “ago” was introduced into the process. Though the combination of features of the archaic and formulary processes complicated the judicial process in land disputes, nevertheless, it retained all the characteristics of the ancient land law which was also important in the classical period of Ius Civile.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):258-266
pages 258-266 views


Commanders by the Will of the Senate: Governors of the Senate Provinces in the Military Command System during the Period of the Early Roman Empire

Telepen S.V.


The relevance of the research topic is due to the insufficient study of the role of the governors of the Senate provinces in the military command system of the early Roman Empire. Completion of this knowledge is necessary both for studying the military organization of Rome, and for revealing the essence of the Roman state-political system. The purpose of the study is to find the legal and ideological grounds for the military status of the governors of the senatorial provinces, which, in the author’s opinion, should be resolved primarily in the context of considering the issue of imperium militiae of such governors. In the absence of direct indications in this regard in the sources, the method of reconstruction was the analysis of specific material (including prosopographic), reflecting the military functions of the governors appointed by the Senate. The author made an attempt to find out the commander’s status of the governors by finding a full-fledged imperium militiae in them. The author’s conclusion: throughout the entire period of the early Empire, the governors of the senatorial provinces retained their imperium militiae, continuing to carry out the functions of a military leader, although to a much lesser extent than at the beginning of the period. Such governors remained an important element in the system of military command, especially in critical situations that regularly arose even in the «pacified» provinces.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):267-278
pages 267-278 views

Legate against the Emperor: the beginning, course and results of the revolt of Antonius Saturninus

Parfyonov V.N.


The purpose of the work is to analyze the causes, course and consequences of the rebellion of Anthony Saturninus, directed against the emperor Domitian (89 AD). After analyzing the strategic situation in the western provinces and the course of events, the author proves that the performance was poorly prepared, was of a spontaneous nature and was doomed to failure from the very beginning. The author’s conclusions: a thorough analysis of the sources suggests that the initiative of the rebellion of Saturninus belonged to the mass of soldiers, while for Saturninus himself, the imperial acclamation, most likely, was a complete surprise. In 97 AD, the highest commanding staff of the Roman army, mindful of the circumstances of the defeat and death of Saturninus, managed to prevent a civil war by guaranteeing the transfer of power from Emperor Nerva to the protege of the military, Mark Ulpius Trajan.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):279-291
pages 279-291 views

The duel between Marius and the Celtiberian: a new reading

Merkulov I.V.


The duel of Gaius Marius with a Celtiber is one of the heroic episodes of the early biography of the future seven-time consul and commander. Plutarch’s information about this duel is fragmentary and does not allow us to fully clarify the circumstances under which it took place. In part, they are clarified by the archaeological data obtained by A. Schulten during excavations in the area of ancient Numantia. After analyzing the sources and literature, the author came to the conclusion that the episode with the duel became for Marius the starting point in his military career, from which his rise began. According to the author, in fact, the notorious duel could have been an ordinary skirmish, but later Marian propaganda turned it into a heroic deed of Marius, a brilliant military leader and an experienced «father commander». The author does not exclude the possibility that Plutarch himself became the culprit of the confusion, who did not distinguish between an individual duel and participation in a collective hand-to-hand combat.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):292-300
pages 292-300 views


Alkaios - a true citizen of Mytilene

Solomatina E.I.


The article is devoted to the civic position and political views of Alkaios, a fighter against tyranny, and his opponent Pittacus, the tyrant of Mytilene. The purpose of the study is to identify the presence or absence of political differences between Alkaios and Pittacus based on an analysis of all available sources. The author proves that the political views of Alkaios and Pittacus coincided and did not change throughout the entire period of their joint actions. According to the author, the situation changed due to the role of Pittacus in the victorious end of the first stage of the Sigean War. Conclusions: Pittak decided to seize power by changing allies. Having established tyranny, he did not radically reform the state system, supplementing the traditional regime with personal authoritarian power.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):301-308
pages 301-308 views

Pliny the Younger: citizen, landowner, intellectual

Nikishin V.O.


Pliny the Younger is a statesman, writer and lawyer, the author of the only correspondence between the governor of the province and the emperor that has survived to this day. The relevance of the research topic is due to the stereotyped idea formed in historiography of Pliny the Younger as an apologist for Emperor Trajan and an indecisive manager who, for any reason, asked for the authoritative opinion of his august patron. The relevance of the research topic is due to the stereotyped idea formed in historiography of Pliny the Younger as an apologist for Emperor Trajan and an indecisive manager who, for any reason, asked for the authoritative opinion of his august patron. The purpose of the study is to reveal those aspects of the multifaceted personality of Pliny the Younger, which usually remain in the shadow of the usual image of a clever courtier and mediocre administrator. The author considered such facets of Pliny the Younger’s activity as housekeeping and literary creativity. Conclusions: despite the fact that Pliny the Younger began his career under the tyrannical regime of Domitian, he managed to maintain his selfesteem and remain true to his own ideas of honor, duty and conscience. Being generally indifferent to the economy, Pliny the Younger devoted most of his time to literary works, philosophy and rhetoric.

RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(3):309-317
pages 309-317 views

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