The motif of chariot races in the Ionian art at the turn of the 6th and 5th centuries BC

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At the turn of the VI - V centuries BC in the funerary art and temple terracotta decoration of the cities of Asia Minor, the motif of chariot races appears. Moreover, these monuments demonstrate an impressive stylistic similarity. The author of the article tried to establish the reason for the persistent appeal to one plot by the Ionian masters in the cult and funeral spheres for a short period of time. Since the horse and chariot agons were associated with Poseidon, the author connects the mentioned plot with the sanctuary of Poseidon Heliconius at Cape Mycale. According to the hypothesis proposed by the author, chariot races were associated not only with the cult of Poseidon, but also with the Panionian games in honor of the god of the seas. This connection, according to the author, was reflected in the temple friezes depicting chariot races, which served as an important visual reference to the cult that united the member cities of the Ionian Union.

About the authors

Maria Nikolaevna Nenakhova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4178-6324

post graduate student in Department of General Art History

1, Leninskie Gory St, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991


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