Vol 10, No 2 (2024)

Testing systems in modern language education

The forms and types of language assessment used while teaching Russian for daily purposes

Yarkina L.P., Karapetyan N.G., Papchenko M.Y.


Control is the most important component of the educational process. The authors consider various types of tasks from the category of “achievement tests” that are used at different stages of teaching foreigners the language of everyday communication. Despite the primary importance of the evaluation function, control can be a teaching tool, focusing attention on test elements that carry information suitable for review and memorization. Control allows the teacher to get an objective idea of the students’ knowledge, can demonstrate the need to adjust the curriculum and change some characteristics of the presentation of the material. Control tasks can also be used at the stage of designing and organizing pedagogical interactions, and act as an independent means of learning and self-study.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):65-71
pages 65-71 views

The ethnocultural aspect in the development of test tasks for students of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan under the program “Multilingual education” with Russian as a target language: problems and prospects

Ernisova A.E.


The research is devoted to the ethnocultural specifi of developing a subtest in the Russian test for students of Kyrgyzstan under the “Multilingual Education” program as a tool for the eff and comprehensive development of intercultural competence. The criteria for compiling the subtest are analyzed. The structure of tests in the Russian test is considered in accordance with the standards for studying the Russian test in schools with Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Tajik languages of instruction: grammar, listening, reading, speaking and writing. The research also outlines the prospects for introducing an ethnocultural component into test materials depending on the level of Russian test profi in high school (levels A2, B1). It describes the criteria for assessing students’ language skills, and also provides recommendations for the development of advanced training programs for teachers on the issue of training and conducting testing for schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan. The analysis of the test material revealed that the methodology for compiling tests in the Russian test in the classes with Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Tajik languages of instruction should diff from the methodology of Russian as a foreign language. It is necessary to introduce an ethnocultural component both in texts and in test tasks for all types of speech activity. Attempts to create test material in the Russian test with similar tasks for the All-Republican Testing of school graduates in Kyrgyzstan indicate a positive result of this work. According to the author, unique test materials are needed for Kyrgyzstan, since Russian is the offi language in the country and equating it with a foreign language is a fundamentally wrong task.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):72-87
pages 72-87 views

Linguistic View of the World in Education

The concept of “good” in the Russian and Uzbek language worldview

Azizova N.B.


In modern linguistic science, the problem of interpreting phraseological units in the linguacultural aspect, revealing national-cultural components for the transmission of linguistic and cultural pictures of the world is relevant. The study considers the concept of “good” in the Russian and Uzbek languages. In order to reveal the concept of “good” in the Russian and Uzbek linguistic pictures of the world, phraseological units of the two languages are analyzed in the linguacultural aspect, i.e. lexical, etymological analysis of dictionary entries, comparative analysis of phraseological units are carried out, examples from fiction in Russian and Uzbek are given. As a result of the analysis of phraseological units, the author forms thematic groups of the concept of “good”.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):88-96
pages 88-96 views

Language education and testing: educational and methodological support

Implementation of the basic principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language in modern teaching aids

Borovik V.V., Kaverzina A.V., Rubtsova D.N.


The goal set is to analyze the reflection of the main principles of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) in modern textbooks. Using the example of the manual “We learn Russian from A to Z”, the authors of the article clearly demonstrate how the basic methodological principles can be implemented in manuals: concentricity, stage-by-stage formation of grammatical, lexical and speaking skills, minimization of grammatical material in connection with the psychology of learning and communicative needs. The authors consider the features of the implementation of these principles in the textbook, the target audience of which are native Chinese speakers with their inherent specificity of perception of educational material. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of exercises of various types and the validity of relying on the lexical minimum of the appropriate level when selecting lexical and grammatical material. The authors clearly show the range of possibilities for using the manual from use in the classroom to independent work of students, concluding that taking into account the characteristics of the target audience and careful selection of educational content allows you to successfully form the linguistic and communicative competencies of students.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):97-105
pages 97-105 views

“Russian made easy” innovative educational complex: Pre-university stage

Shcherbakova O.M., Bragina M.A., Levina V.N., Kutyreva N.A.


The study presents an overview of a new educational publication offering an innovative methodological system of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Special attention is paid to methodological approaches and solutions that provide qualitatively new opportunities to improve the effectiveness of teaching Russian to foreign audiences at the levels of pre-university training (A1-B1). The intensification and high efficiency of training are provided by a system of proposed and consistently implemented innovative methodological approaches and solutions. Each lesson includes a list of conversational topics, which ensures the variability of learning, the maximum repeatability of the studied language material, the expansion of the speech and communicative experience of students and the creation of an unlimited number of their combinations. The real communicative needs of the addressee are presented in the form of a set of intentions of the speaker, which are introduced much earlier than is generally accepted. When selecting them, their communicative value and high learning potential for mastering communicative tactics are taken into account. “Russian made easy” educational complex offers the author’s system of studying the prepositional and verbal systems of Russian test. The sequence of the introduction of language material is used as a resource for the intensification of learning.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):106-117
pages 106-117 views

Language education and testing: educational and methodological support

Geocultural image of the county in the linguocultural aspect of teaching Russian as a foreign language

Eltsova E.N.


The study is devoted to the issue of forming the image of the country for teaching Russian as a foreign language. The idea of the geocultural image of a country is complex in structure and content, as it includes not only geophysical characteristics of the territory but also linguocultural features. Thus, the relevance of its description both in linguistic and linguodidactic aspects increases. The research presents the results of a questionnaire and associative experiment aimed at identifying the perceptions of Russia among Tunisian respondents. In the element of linguoculturology the peculiarities of forming perceptions of the geocultural image of the country are considered, and the linguistic means of reflecting the country’s image in the artistic text are highlighted. Attention is paid to the linguodidactic potential of geopoetic texts in teaching Russian as a foreign language at the advanced level, the peculiarities of working with concepts and culturally labelled vocabulary of these texts are described. The linguocultural approach allows foreign students to get acquainted with the Russian conceptosphereunderlying the geocultural image of the country and to form skills and abilities to work with vocabulary articles, interpret conceptual meanings, create their texts and generally build an intercultural dialogue. The proposed material can be used in the framework of teaching subjects of linguocultural and regional studies when teaching Russian as a foreign language at the advanced stage.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):118-129
pages 118-129 views

Features of presentation and analysis of units of the semantic field ‘burning’ in a foreign audience

Ilyin D.N.


The research examines the specifics of studies with the vocabulary of the semantic field burning in the practice of teaching RFL. Its significant quantitative content and the variety of meanings of its constituent units are noted, which causes certain difficulties when introducing them into educational materials. Recommendations are given for its presentation and semantization. Examples of aspect work with this vocabulary are given. Analysis of the semantic field combustion from a linguistic and methodological point of view showed the feasibility of dividing units into 3 groups - substantives denoting fire, verbs denoting the combustion process and the rest of the vocabulary (periphery of the field). When mastering the language of a specialty, it is proposed to pay special attention to such categories of verbs of the field under consideration as transitivity and the method of verbal action, namely, the phase meaning of combustion verbs and their derivatives. The metaphorical potential of words in the semantic field burning is considered, used as an artistic means in the work of writers and poets, as well as a source of formation of terminological vocabulary. The importance and variety of grammatical exercises are emphasized, the basis for the construction of which is the vocabulary in question.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):130-137
pages 130-137 views

Scientific debut

Interethnic stereotypes as a means of forming socio-cultural competence among foreign students

Tsapkova N.A.


The priority goal of the modern education system of Russia is international cooperation and the promotion of the Russian test abroad. Higher education in Russia is becoming an interesting and promising area for foreign citizens. In recent years, we have observed a positive trend in the number of foreign students coming to study at Russian universities. At the present stage of development of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, a socio-cultural approach is becoming one of the main guidelines. In the space of a multipolar world, it is important to reflect on the diversity of cultural values, the mentality of native speakers, habitual behavior, and features of communicative interaction. However, at the first stage of acquaintance with the country and the culture of its population, difficulties, disagreements, and misunderstandings caused by interethnic autoand heterostereotypes are possible. The aim of the study is to develop the methodological tools that take into account autoand heterostereotypic representations for the formation of socio-cultural competence among foreign students in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The work comprehends the role and methodological potential of the stereotypical image of Russia and Russians. Having considered the current research of Russian teachers and methodologists, we assumed that ethnic stereotypes play an important role in the implementation of a socio-cultural approach to teaching Russian to foreign students. By including methodically structured work with them, it is possible to form and develop the socio-cultural competence of foreign students. A methodological package is proposed for the formation and development of sociocultural competence using autoand heterostereotypes for foreign students of the elementary and basic levels of Russian test proficiency.

Russian language: research, testing and practice. 2024;10(2):138-148
pages 138-148 views

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