The goal set is to analyze the reflection of the main principles of the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) in modern textbooks. Using the example of the manual “We learn Russian from A to Z”, the authors of the article clearly demonstrate how the basic methodological principles can be implemented in manuals: concentricity, stage-by-stage formation of grammatical, lexical and speaking skills, minimization of grammatical material in connection with the psychology of learning and communicative needs. The authors consider the features of the implementation of these principles in the textbook, the target audience of which are native Chinese speakers with their inherent specificity of perception of educational material. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of exercises of various types and the validity of relying on the lexical minimum of the appropriate level when selecting lexical and grammatical material. The authors clearly show the range of possibilities for using the manual from use in the classroom to independent work of students, concluding that taking into account the characteristics of the target audience and careful selection of educational content allows you to successfully form the linguistic and communicative competencies of students.