The ethnocultural aspect in the development of test tasks for students of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan under the program “Multilingual education” with Russian as a target language: problems and prospects

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The research is devoted to the ethnocultural specifi of developing a subtest in the Russian test for students of Kyrgyzstan under the “Multilingual Education” program as a tool for the eff and comprehensive development of intercultural competence. The criteria for compiling the subtest are analyzed. The structure of tests in the Russian test is considered in accordance with the standards for studying the Russian test in schools with Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Tajik languages of instruction: grammar, listening, reading, speaking and writing. The research also outlines the prospects for introducing an ethnocultural component into test materials depending on the level of Russian test profi in high school (levels A2, B1). It describes the criteria for assessing students’ language skills, and also provides recommendations for the development of advanced training programs for teachers on the issue of training and conducting testing for schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan. The analysis of the test material revealed that the methodology for compiling tests in the Russian test in the classes with Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Tajik languages of instruction should diff from the methodology of Russian as a foreign language. It is necessary to introduce an ethnocultural component both in texts and in test tasks for all types of speech activity. Attempts to create test material in the Russian test with similar tasks for the All-Republican Testing of school graduates in Kyrgyzstan indicate a positive result of this work. According to the author, unique test materials are needed for Kyrgyzstan, since Russian is the offi language in the country and equating it with a foreign language is a fundamentally wrong task.

About the authors

Aigerim E. Ernisova

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-2003-6594

PhD in Philology, head of Russian Language Center of the Russian Language Institute

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


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