Features of presentation and analysis of units of the semantic field ‘burning’ in a foreign audience

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The research examines the specifics of studies with the vocabulary of the semantic field burning in the practice of teaching RFL. Its significant quantitative content and the variety of meanings of its constituent units are noted, which causes certain difficulties when introducing them into educational materials. Recommendations are given for its presentation and semantization. Examples of aspect work with this vocabulary are given. Analysis of the semantic field combustion from a linguistic and methodological point of view showed the feasibility of dividing units into 3 groups - substantives denoting fire, verbs denoting the combustion process and the rest of the vocabulary (periphery of the field). When mastering the language of a specialty, it is proposed to pay special attention to such categories of verbs of the field under consideration as transitivity and the method of verbal action, namely, the phase meaning of combustion verbs and their derivatives. The metaphorical potential of words in the semantic field burning is considered, used as an artistic means in the work of writers and poets, as well as a source of formation of terminological vocabulary. The importance and variety of grammatical exercises are emphasized, the basis for the construction of which is the vocabulary in question.

About the authors

Denis N. Ilyin

Southern Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: dnilyin@sfedu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4108-2180

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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